Latest Update:
Got 16" Extensions added on to my hair.
Suddenly i went from a chin length bob to a long shaggy rock star layers that fall 5" past my shoulders~WhooHoo
Now i don't know about you all but It's Simply Amazing to me That in just under 3 hrs you can have over a year's worth of growth just added on to your head...
No pictures as of yet but let's just say It's Really Sexy HOT
Im Just Lovin Having braids and pig tails and the feeling of hair falling down on my Bare back
Though i fear the BoyFriend is probebly pretty sick of hearing about it
WHATEVER Im Excited & It's all Just fun & Sillyness To Me
Now What else What else...?
Had an Awsome weekend riding MotoX with The Boi
That is until i crashed my bike running her through MtBiking trails in the rain
250$ later Ive got a new handle bar, Grips, a gear lever and some stickers to dress her up oh Say Jus a lil bit more.
Now it's Time to take on the to the task of doing the repairs myself and hoping All run's smoothly...
It's all about the power of positive thinking i tell ya!
But Yeah~Wish me luck Anyways!!!
Now The Sun is shining the birds are singing and Im about to break out the Bikini for some Jet Ski Action come this weekend
Life Just doesent get better than this !
Though Now i've got's to run~
You all Have a good week/End~
Got 16" Extensions added on to my hair.
Suddenly i went from a chin length bob to a long shaggy rock star layers that fall 5" past my shoulders~WhooHoo

Now i don't know about you all but It's Simply Amazing to me That in just under 3 hrs you can have over a year's worth of growth just added on to your head...

No pictures as of yet but let's just say It's Really Sexy HOT

Im Just Lovin Having braids and pig tails and the feeling of hair falling down on my Bare back

Though i fear the BoyFriend is probebly pretty sick of hearing about it

WHATEVER Im Excited & It's all Just fun & Sillyness To Me

Now What else What else...?
Had an Awsome weekend riding MotoX with The Boi

That is until i crashed my bike running her through MtBiking trails in the rain

250$ later Ive got a new handle bar, Grips, a gear lever and some stickers to dress her up oh Say Jus a lil bit more.
Now it's Time to take on the to the task of doing the repairs myself and hoping All run's smoothly...

But Yeah~Wish me luck Anyways!!!
Now The Sun is shining the birds are singing and Im about to break out the Bikini for some Jet Ski Action come this weekend

Though Now i've got's to run~
You all Have a good week/End~

Too bad your tattoo artist lives up there, I really like the lines and shading of your .44. I just can't seem to find that "one" artist to do all of my work. I've had quite a few people do work on me, I'm sort of a patchwork of different styles. If I ever take a motorcycle trip up to Seattle I'll have to get some work done by Tracy.