Ok For As much as i Personaly CAN NOT STAND Those journals that just ramble on trying to be cute with absolutly nothing to say like~
"Hello my lovelies Im Just sitting around, stretch~yawn eating My cereal" BLAH BLAH BLAHEct.
unfortuniatly Now here i am doing just that...
Sorry But Im just Sooooooooooooooo Tired Today!
Don't know why Did Nadda Damn Thing yesterday But it was Absolutly Delightfu!!!
Though i fear i may be fighting off a bug
so Im Off to the doctor than im going to crawl back under my covers and sleep it off jus'a lil bit more
Till l8ter My Sweets~
Oh & here's a naughty one for your viewing pleasure~
inspired By Missd Check her out you want good journal entries this Woman is an Insperiation all in Herself
"Hello my lovelies Im Just sitting around, stretch~yawn eating My cereal" BLAH BLAH BLAHEct.
unfortuniatly Now here i am doing just that...

Sorry But Im just Sooooooooooooooo Tired Today!
Don't know why Did Nadda Damn Thing yesterday But it was Absolutly Delightfu!!!

Though i fear i may be fighting off a bug

Till l8ter My Sweets~

Oh & here's a naughty one for your viewing pleasure~
inspired By Missd Check her out you want good journal entries this Woman is an Insperiation all in Herself

I crashed last fall. so everything is ok now. I didn't know I had my licence suspended and when I called the police they nailed me. arghhh.
anywho, I went to court and they gave me community service instead of a "driving after suspention"
I guess thats what happens in wannabe suburbs.
(I'm getting new motox boots today!)