RAIN RAIN GO AWAY..... AND DON'T FUCKING COME BACK...At least Until Say Next OCT Perhaps?
I Am Just So over this weather!!!!
I Wanna wear my open toe stelettos
I Wanna wear sundresses and tank top's and break out The bikinies
I Wanna go Swimming in lake washington and lay in the sun
I Wanna feel fresh green grass tickle me between my toes,
And i wanna Cuddle with my Sweetie under a Blanket of Stars Listening to the tide roll in As we Lay In Our Tent on Third Beach.
I Wanna ride Motorcycles in the Mountains And Build Bonfires By A River Somewhere in eastern Washington.
I Want the Heat and The Sun And The Whole ShaBang Of Summer To Come!
But than again im Toren Because Ive Had such a Wonderful Winter And Having Another day of Boarding Sounds really sweet to me aswell... & Raining Here Means There's Snow in the Mountains i Suppose So...
Hopefuly This Weekend I'll Be Tasting the Goodness Of It Perhaps!!
I Wanna wear my open toe stelettos
I Wanna wear sundresses and tank top's and break out The bikinies
I Wanna go Swimming in lake washington and lay in the sun
I Wanna feel fresh green grass tickle me between my toes,
And i wanna Cuddle with my Sweetie under a Blanket of Stars Listening to the tide roll in As we Lay In Our Tent on Third Beach.
I Wanna ride Motorcycles in the Mountains And Build Bonfires By A River Somewhere in eastern Washington.
I Want the Heat and The Sun And The Whole ShaBang Of Summer To Come!
But than again im Toren Because Ive Had such a Wonderful Winter And Having Another day of Boarding Sounds really sweet to me aswell... & Raining Here Means There's Snow in the Mountains i Suppose So...
Hopefuly This Weekend I'll Be Tasting the Goodness Of It Perhaps!!
I'm super stoked on JJ tonight! Hugs