they say love is a many splendored thing. or is it spend-ard. i like to use the term i love you to many different people. i am not afraid of it.
i once dated a guy for like a year. we lived togther and i was in love with him. was he with me?? i later found out yes. did he ever say it? not until i saw him after 6 years of not seeing him or even speaking with him. he did fashion a little box for me though, and it had a message in a tiny little bottle. although he told me to not open the box until we didnt know eachother, i didnt listen. i opened it fearing he would know i had, i dont think he ever suspected. in the note he apologized for any shitty things he did to me a told me that he loved me. to this day i will open the box occasionally and read it. italways makes me cry.
now i have been with a boy that i met and found love at first sight. we have been together dfor almost 7 years... through thick and thin. but however there are trust issues on his part of me because i have fucked him over repeatdly . we fight a lot. always have. but i once read some peoole just do. is this something i should be concerned with? isnt it the passion of out love that casues such a spark? and no one believes we should be together. why is that? no one supports our relationship. do people need that support. well wishers??
i dont know the secrets of love... i dont know the secrets of making a relationship work. i do know that you can love some one no matter what they do. i have seen it with my own eys. is that enough to make it work??
one v-dya we went to a free dinner at applebees/ we were broke and had coupons there... cheesy
we then took a left over bottle of champaigne from new years to a nudy bar. drank it out of plastic red silo cups. watched as a couple of nude ladies danced around a pole, and i ever got a lap dance from one of them.. it was pretty shitty. years before i worked on valentines day... i wore a red patent leather outfit with boots. it was pathetic.. swore i woule never work another v day again. so now i had to come up with a lie for my job. i hate lying.
happy vday all!