they say love is a many splendored thing. or is it spend-ard. i like to use the term i love you to many different people. i am not afraid of it.
i once dated a guy for like a year. we lived togther and i was in love with him. was he with me?? i later found out yes. did he ever say it? not...
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there is some lunar shit going on. does anyone know what exactly... and why iam i so bummed.... but not all at the same time.????
shits is ok... im sad that i may be moving... i want to leave and dont all at the same time. i guess i can come back the program is only a year and a half...
shits is ok... im sad that i may be moving... i want to leave and dont all at the same time. i guess i can come back the program is only a year and a half...
wait...what is the program?
are you working tonight?
I'm sorry you're bummed. it's in the air today. totally
[Edited on Feb 11, 2005 3:33PM]
are you working tonight?
I'm sorry you're bummed. it's in the air today. totally
[Edited on Feb 11, 2005 3:33PM]
how are you today? how was your weekend?
so how bout some donations to my south beach trip??? huh??? im going to go check out the miami ad school. just wondering

the strippers dont fill our minds with sex and degredation, the pious do. Strippers remind us why we are here on earth. When man trades in sex for rmorality, that is degrading, both himself and women. If there is a god he created strippers and beautiful women in general to remind us of the things that we truly strive for., reproduction and health. I cant think of anything else on earth that reminds me of reproduction and health like a hot stripper can.
last night was a fucking disaster. i was so exhausted and i really just wanted to stay home but a couple of my friends were like come into work... so i did. besides everyone i know in jersey was working too... so i figured what the heck? so im like working and there are so many girls and just not enough customers. there is this...
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hello eople... this snow sucks basically... think ill move this year dont wanna stay through another winter.. my freind is moving to CA.. and well CA sounds nice too?? atl?? who knows just get me outta here!!
i need some real quality of life...hope you guys are all well...

i need some real quality of life...hope you guys are all well...
It all depends on what you like. I love the snow and all that comes with it. I spent all day Sunday on a fast moving sled and Monday we went sking until the wee hours of the night. I agree, the snow can be a pain in the ass, but I like the change. Id be bored with the same weather all the time..............Wouldnt you?
christmas has come again and gone aain... my ex.. is saying he wants to works things out. forget about the past... thats really what he needs to do and make some effort into being a good boyfriend. im shocked... not not schocked... i just feel like well i am worth it.. and him and i are really in love, bute veryone else doesnt want us...
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hi there
just checkin in. how are you? how was new years? how are things with the ex?
hope you're well
just checkin in. how are you? how was new years? how are things with the ex?
hope you're well
Hang in there....
i had the most amazing time last night i went to see the pixies and i wore wings to the show at hammerstein. i was there by myself and met up with some guy who was like 6'4". he put me up on his shoulders, i was like a littlle pixiie in the air. i had gottne robbed from ebay bunk tix from last sunday's...
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Hi to my favorite winged jersey girl
have a great Christmas and New years. Hope all goes well
have a great Christmas and New years. Hope all goes well
merry Christmas!!

hello. so well things have been pretty status quo. i had met this boy 21... think hes too young. we did talk a minute but he has a gf and im not gonna be that girl.
im SUPPOSED to go to the pixies tommarrow. shit alwasy gets fucked up somehow. im coming to realize as i get older that things dont ever go as planned......
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im SUPPOSED to go to the pixies tommarrow. shit alwasy gets fucked up somehow. im coming to realize as i get older that things dont ever go as planned......
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glad you had a nice SG date!
also glad you got tix for pixies ---how was the show???? come over to my journal and let me know!
also glad you got tix for pixies ---how was the show???? come over to my journal and let me know!
well apparenyly im not too good at this whole updating my journal. i always go on th wrong part. my ex is all mad at me cuz apparently he thinks i cheated on him with now a new person... oh god... will it ever end? i guess when i stop talking to him. which will be more concerted now. it was his bday yesterday and...
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People, like your ex, who sustitute drama for genuine emotion in their lives are doing it because they're scared of genuine emotion. Dama is easy-I yell, you yell, one hangs up or storms off. Whatever. There's a script to follow. Genuine, real feeling and genuine human contact is unpredictable and is scary as hell and it terrifies people.
WOW! Do I sound self-important! Jesus.
All I'm saying is that drama isn't going to get you anywhere. If I sound like I'm preaching then slap me. Hope things work out ok for you.
Thanks for adding me as a friend.
[Edited on Dec 04, 2004 3:12PM]
WOW! Do I sound self-important! Jesus.
All I'm saying is that drama isn't going to get you anywhere. If I sound like I'm preaching then slap me. Hope things work out ok for you.
Thanks for adding me as a friend.
[Edited on Dec 04, 2004 3:12PM]
so i was at six flags on sunday and fright fest is fun. its so much better to go there when its not hot. i still want to get more pics on the site but have not fopund the right programs to shrink them. i think ill make a play fot kinkos this week, maybe get on photoshop and then i can resubmit some excellent...
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I like your page. It's nice to see fellow New Jerseyan on the site-and a real live girl at that! And a pretty one at THAT!
Your pics are great-if a bit small. I'm proud to have you representing us.
Your pics are great-if a bit small. I'm proud to have you representing us.
Jesus! I just saw your "Candles' pictueres. Those are AMAZING!
Like I said, good to see someone who lives in the area. And I have a ton of musician friends who play all over. So if you wanna talk music at any time let me know.
Like I said, good to see someone who lives in the area. And I have a ton of musician friends who play all over. So if you wanna talk music at any time let me know.
i have been outta touch.. out of sightmind. i have been working a lot though. trying to get my shit together. i have been subbing at this school here in jersey. high school. the kids are really cool. much better than the lower grades i had done before.
im excited we are going to six flags!! yea. people back out at the last minute are lame o's. i hate that. i ask people to get together for my birthday coming up, and cant even pull it together. should be fun. i think we are down to like 5-6 poeple. i have a cold but i dont care... im gonna tough it out. go see the GRUDGE!!! it is sooooooooo good!!

Hey Siren!
a few things-
1a) you need to make new "updates" for each time you wanna post updates bout yerself - its now just one click on the yellow/red bar under your profile pic
1b) when replying to me/someone, click on their name, and use the "add a comment" section to reply to them
2) pix on SG - I know I like what Ive seen (
) but there's a whole long process...it takes some members a year, sometimes peeps dont make it at all. But you can always re-apply. There's also a "group" called SG Hopefulls that has lots of girls in a similar situation.
3) my exwife does similar shit - only calls when she needs something from me. Toxic people OUT is soooo true!
4) Howd ya get into teaching/subbing?
5) How was 6 flags?
a few things-
1a) you need to make new "updates" for each time you wanna post updates bout yerself - its now just one click on the yellow/red bar under your profile pic
1b) when replying to me/someone, click on their name, and use the "add a comment" section to reply to them

2) pix on SG - I know I like what Ive seen (

3) my exwife does similar shit - only calls when she needs something from me. Toxic people OUT is soooo true!
4) Howd ya get into teaching/subbing?
5) How was 6 flags?
white corset