Hey there everybody! I have some exciting news! Tomorrow night my most favorite local band, Ensphere, is going to be playing with Echoes the Fall at Club Red in Tempe. Doors open at 8 and I'll be working the merch booth, so stop by early to say hi and pick up a CD! This will be the first stop of our mini west coast tour. We'll be at the Vashon Island Music Festival in Seattle next Saturday, the 31st, and then we have another show in Seattle on Friday the 6th. I'm not sure where it is yet, but I'll update as soon as I know. We also hope to play a few shows in California on the drive up. If anybody has any suggestions as to where we should hit on the tour, please send them my way. We'll also be in Vegas en route on the 27th. You can also hit up joemalone13, photographer/part-time bassist for Ensphere. Please come out to a show if you can, you will not regret it! Click Me! Or Me!
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