All of a sudden, I'm in such a funk. I'm talking to a new guy, and I'm really excited about him, but he's got some crazy ex-gf baggage that is stressing me out. I went a long time being single and pushing a lot of gentlemen callers away, looking for that right guy and found him but there are strings attached. And I just found out that I will be in school an extra year. And I need to get my sister and myself settled in an apartment before I go off to Indiana to do medical physics research. And I need money. I didnt even realize that I was feeling like this but my friends kept constantly asking me what was wrong. And I've been running more than usual and eating less, which are big signals to me that I'm not right. I really don't know how to break this slump, but I hope I figure it out soon...
ColdStones Ice Cream can be theraputic at times when your trying to think things through. I have to give you a lot of credit and say that you sound pretty focused about what your goals are and how your going to achieve it. At the age of 20, I was on a different level and only wished I could've had my priorities straight. Relationships come and go but it is those experience that help shape what type of person you are looking for. I wouldn't stressed out over it too much. Keep on doing your medical physics thing!