hello everybody,
I'm glad I was taken in an all saints clothing brands English!
and I will work with revenge suicide, my best friend.
I am starting September 5.

the best set of the moment
annalee light emerald

gogo summer blues

marlene comme ci comme ca

the pair of shoes that I absolutely must, I'm in love

a preview image of the new set of Antiope "Dandylion" due out September 25 in mb. must see!

voila xoxo
I'm glad I was taken in an all saints clothing brands English!
and I will work with revenge suicide, my best friend.
I am starting September 5.

the best set of the moment
annalee light emerald

gogo summer blues

marlene comme ci comme ca

the pair of shoes that I absolutely must, I'm in love

a preview image of the new set of Antiope "Dandylion" due out September 25 in mb. must see!

voila xoxo
Felicitation pour le job et j'espre que tu vas trs vite shooter un set!
A mes yeux Tagada merite bien une FP puis il semblerait que l'on ait des gots communs (si l'endroit o tu as shoot est ta chambre bien sur): mme couette, dessin de B.Lacombe, des fraises, des robots.
A bientot<3