God, yesterday sucked donkey nads. It started off okay, but around noon or so, I started feeling pretty rough; and it just went downhill from there. My stomach was hurting to badly for me to eat anything, so my sugar dropped- a LOT - which didn't help when the fever came on. So I ended up literally passing out. I don't really know how long I was out. Just that when I woke up, Monkey was force-feeding me crackers, chocolate, and gatorade.
Apparently, I was running around 103.6 (found this out later) when he got home, so he made me take some children's Triaminic (I'm hyper sensitive to meds) which brought the worst of it down, but it all came back later that night.
Thankfully, though, I'm a little better today. The fever's gone at least. I still feel really drained, though. Which sucks, cause Boogie's home; but he's been my big helper today. Playing quietly and checking on me now and then. "You okay mommy?"
I have the coolest kid ever.
Sooo.... that's it for right now, I guess. I may post again later, though. We'll see. Ciao, darlings!
Apparently, I was running around 103.6 (found this out later) when he got home, so he made me take some children's Triaminic (I'm hyper sensitive to meds) which brought the worst of it down, but it all came back later that night.

Thankfully, though, I'm a little better today. The fever's gone at least. I still feel really drained, though. Which sucks, cause Boogie's home; but he's been my big helper today. Playing quietly and checking on me now and then. "You okay mommy?"

Sooo.... that's it for right now, I guess. I may post again later, though. We'll see. Ciao, darlings!
Being sick really sucks donkey balls. I hope you feel better soon.
Feel better