So I don't normally do this, but right now I need all the help I can get.
I almost tried to kill myself the other day. I say almost because I was on my way to do it when I got the right call from the right person, and, thankfully, he managed to talk me out of it. I've been under a lot of pressure lately and it just all got to me when my ex and I had a fight.
But, and this may sound silly, that's not the important part.
Right now, I just want to focus on getting myself right. I want to get better for my son. He's the whole reason to my being here, and I couldn't do it without him.
So, here's where the "help" comes in. I just need all the support I can get right now. Encouragement, guidance, prayers, whatever. It sounds so stupid to me to be asking for this, but like I said, I just need all the help I can get.
Thanks everyone. It's all for him.
I almost tried to kill myself the other day. I say almost because I was on my way to do it when I got the right call from the right person, and, thankfully, he managed to talk me out of it. I've been under a lot of pressure lately and it just all got to me when my ex and I had a fight.
But, and this may sound silly, that's not the important part.
Right now, I just want to focus on getting myself right. I want to get better for my son. He's the whole reason to my being here, and I couldn't do it without him.
So, here's where the "help" comes in. I just need all the support I can get right now. Encouragement, guidance, prayers, whatever. It sounds so stupid to me to be asking for this, but like I said, I just need all the help I can get.
Thanks everyone. It's all for him.

Aww, I'm so very sorry to hear that things have been so confused and sad and stressful. I got the impression from talking to you that thing were very hard, but I had no idea they were hard enough that you might contemplate something like that. Thank goodness that you had someone to talk you out of it and that you were able to keep focused on how important your son is and be here for him. No matter what, he'll always be here for you, and he is the important part. Boyfriends come and go, but your son will always be your son. What matters is you got through probably the hardest part of a tough time, and now you can work on making things better for yourself and your son, little by little, day by day. Sometimes it takes something so bad to put life into perspective and remind us of the important things. I can only say that because I feel as though I've had my "rock bottom" moments, and it's at those times when you often find the most clarity and strength--both of which you might not know you even had before all the bad came your way. It's wonderful that you reached out and asked for help, and I, for one, am always happy to lend my support. I know we haven't been talking as much lately and everything, but I think of you quite a lot and wonder how you're doing. Anytime you would like to talk, as much as you'd like to talk, and about whatever needs discussing, I'm here for you. So drop me a note anytime, or post to my blog or something, and I'll be there for you as much as I can be. For right now I'll just wish you well and consider this a miracle, although I'm not religious by nature. Good thoughts and feelings are coming your way for both you and your friend.
I'm just so glad you're okay! Good for you that you did the right thing, and the difficult thing, instead of trying to do it the easy, fast way 

Please, please don't take your life. You're so beautiful and you have so much to live for. Don't scar that boy for the rest of his life. Tomorrow is another opportunity to start over. xo