Yay for more pictures! I found a super duper photographer near me who took some images yesterday....was just a test so nothing fantastic or themed yet (have to reach that comftorable stage)....otherwise they came out incredibly AWESOME!!! I can't wait to work with him again......now I might have atleast a chance at getting in, no matter how teensy that chance is
Best of luck to jumpinbean!! she's waitin to hear back about her application - she's gonna dominate when her set goes up!!!

Best of luck to jumpinbean!! she's waitin to hear back about her application - she's gonna dominate when her set goes up!!!

Noway! Come to Ottawa and I'll be your photographer! I got mad skillz yo!

Careful with these photographers. Try to have a friend along with you. You might wanna change out a thread by Morgan in the Hopefuls group titled like "PLEASE READ" or something. Things can be deceiving.