Yay!!! I got my pictures down to size and uploaded!!!
I'm always open for comments, suggestions, ideas, etc....anything so that I can make my pictures the best they possibly can be.......I'm not sure if I should consider sending a few of these to Missy or not......maybe I should consider doing another bunch with a little more flair.....what does everyone think? I could use some suggestions on which ones to send if I should send these......
I realize they're kind of lame, just on my bed, but it was a spur of the moment thing and my brain wasn't at its full working capacity....I promise some kind of coherence next time I take any
I'm always open for comments, suggestions, ideas, etc....anything so that I can make my pictures the best they possibly can be.......I'm not sure if I should consider sending a few of these to Missy or not......maybe I should consider doing another bunch with a little more flair.....what does everyone think? I could use some suggestions on which ones to send if I should send these......
I realize they're kind of lame, just on my bed, but it was a spur of the moment thing and my brain wasn't at its full working capacity....I promise some kind of coherence next time I take any

That is all.