I forgot to make my digital camera take smaller sized pictures so ALL the new ones that I took are too large to fit on here......
I forgot to make my digital camera take smaller sized pictures so ALL the new ones that I took are too large to fit on here......

-Open Photoshop.
-Open the -original- image, not your scaled down ones.
-Goto Image>Image Size and set it to something no larger than about 600 pixels width. Smaller is fine too.
-Goto file>save for web.
-Select .jpg as the format you want.
-There is a qaulity slider. Use it to select a quality for your pictures. You will see the image degrade as it goes down. But you will also see the file size be reduced. This can be found in the bottom left of the preview image window. Remember that your image needs to be under 100K for SG.
I hope that works for ya.