My four year-old goddaugther is the first woman who proposed to me. Yes, I was babysitting her Saturday night and she popped the question after I read her FOUR bedtime stories AND one that wasn't from a book, i.e. I had to make one up. I told her, kid, you don't want to marry me...
It seems children are growing up so much faster theses days. I can talk to her about almost anything and she understands everything. Amazing! Or maybe I just was a really dumb kid at her age, hahah... 
Way too much new good music out there.

Way too much new good music out there.
I have a passion for wolves... some of them really are solitary..till they find a new companion and start to form a new pack
The new band is cool. Between that story and now I have been in a band for 4 years. I just started the new one weeks ago. I wish you a fine week 

LoL...even I KNOW that one is a loser! HAHAHA