So I'm sitting at home watching out the window and see all those ravers getting soaked in the rain...
The Street Parade used to really cool and artistic in its very beginning with people dressing up in elaborate costumes. Now they don't even bother anymore and just get some cheap'n'cheesy loin cloth made out of aluminium foil or something and show off their tribal patterns that used to be hip during the 90's. Last year I tried to sell Red Bull outside my house, but they closed me down in like ten minutes, haha... I was actually lucky not to get fined. They have really strict regulations re official vendors.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the two most loyal readers of my blog: Niobe and Fashionista. I think they also happen to be the only readers, haha..
Muchos Gracias or as we say "Danke schn" and much love!
Behave out there.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the two most loyal readers of my blog: Niobe and Fashionista. I think they also happen to be the only readers, haha..

Behave out there.

And um, you would absolutely die if you heard little P singing that song...obvsiously he has no idea what she means but every time he sings that part I want to pee in my pants. LOL