A good friend of mine asked me to help her pick up "a few things" for her cats. Fair enough, she doesn't have a car and her boyfriend was busy. Now this woman has two cats and loves these furries more than anything or anybody else. In fact, every e-mail I get from her has at least one cat pic attached, every X-mas or Easter card has some kind of cat theme (the santa hat, the bunny ears - you get the picture). So we drive to this huge pet store in Zurich's industrial district where they have all these superstores. First of all, traffic is a nightmare. Yesterday was payday, so it seems everybody was going there. When we entered the store, I took a shopping cart and so did she. I asked her why we'd need two carts. Well, a few minutes later I knew why. My entire cart was loaded with about 20 large bags of cat litter (weighting about 15 kg each). Meanwhile, she filled her cart with nothing but cat food. After that it was time to get in line at the register. As soon as we left the store, it started to rain - actually, it was more like a torrential downpour. Of course my car was parked at the far end of the outdoor parking lot. By the time I loaded everything in my car, I was completely drenched. My friend watched the whole thing from a safe and dry distance.I did hear her yell "You okay?" though. When we finally got back to her place, the visitors parking space was occupied. Of course. And it was still raining cats and dogs. Now I had to carry all the bags from the street down to her basement. At least I was wet already. But hey, she did offer me some coffee afterwards. Now I know why her boyfriend was busy. Friends...

OMG HAHAHAHA...poor thing. Well, I would have run in the rain WITH you! I think that's fun actually. I don't seem the type to do it, and I wasn't until recently when little P and I were out and it wouldn't stop raining...he asked if we could run and I was like, NO WAY! LoL Then after standing there for 5 minutes, I took my shoes off, told him to take his off, I grabbed his hand and we ran for it. We both looked like we jumped in the pool with our clothes on by the time we got to the car, we were laughing like crazy.
And I would do it again! Anyway...message to come, tonight.

Ha. Love the last line.....