Question: Are separate bedrooms a deal breaker for most people? Had an interesting discussion about this today. I'm all for it. Not that I always want to sleep alone, but it gives you the option to bugger off into your own room when you don't feel well or just need your space for a while. Another reason, I sometimes have a hard time falling asleep with someone next to me. Then there are other issues such as snoring, open/closed window etc. I've read an article in an English paper that claimed that separate bedrooms can even improve a relationship.
Another thing, why do people only order tomato juice when on a plane? I mean, have you ever seen somebody drink TJ in a bar?
As an 80's child I'm a sucker for a good power ballad, so I leave you today with a great new power ballad.
Another thing, why do people only order tomato juice when on a plane? I mean, have you ever seen somebody drink TJ in a bar?
As an 80's child I'm a sucker for a good power ballad, so I leave you today with a great new power ballad.