Bwaha!! I finished the presentation of my thesis!!! It was nice to discuss the subject with and take questions from people whose education makes/made them capable of understanding everything ("peers" they call 'em).
The problem is that this has given me a false sense of assurance that everything is taken care of as far as my academics are concerned because the paper itself is NOT done. So I've been fucking around a lot without really doing any work since last Thursday even though I probably still need to do another 8 to 10 hours work on it.
Otherwise, I went around downtown Ashland the other day, dropping my resume off at various establishments where I might be qualified to work as some kind of a server, barista, bar-tender, et cetera. One place said they wouldn't need a server but they would be needing a door guy. I said I could do that and gave them my resume. But I've been giggling ever since because, unless the woman to whom I actually spoke was the woman who would be doing the hiring, the person who looks at my resume is going to see a bunch of food service jobs under the "relevant experience" section.
What does one put under the relevant experience section on a resume to be a bouncer? Height and weight? Martial arts experience? Dick size?
It'd be a fun job. The bar is pretty chill and I think the worst I'd have to do is call somebody out on a fake ID or something. Plus they have great pizza.
The problem is that this has given me a false sense of assurance that everything is taken care of as far as my academics are concerned because the paper itself is NOT done. So I've been fucking around a lot without really doing any work since last Thursday even though I probably still need to do another 8 to 10 hours work on it.
Otherwise, I went around downtown Ashland the other day, dropping my resume off at various establishments where I might be qualified to work as some kind of a server, barista, bar-tender, et cetera. One place said they wouldn't need a server but they would be needing a door guy. I said I could do that and gave them my resume. But I've been giggling ever since because, unless the woman to whom I actually spoke was the woman who would be doing the hiring, the person who looks at my resume is going to see a bunch of food service jobs under the "relevant experience" section.
What does one put under the relevant experience section on a resume to be a bouncer? Height and weight? Martial arts experience? Dick size?
It'd be a fun job. The bar is pretty chill and I think the worst I'd have to do is call somebody out on a fake ID or something. Plus they have great pizza.