I'm done. DONE, done!! Done with school. Please someone blow me.
Each day, for the last month or two has been the busiest of my life. I'm just realizing that from about 6:30am to 11pm or midnight everynight, I've been actively doing something.
I realize that sounds kind of stupid but for as long as I can remember I've had enough time on a daily basis to be bored or just reflect on whatever. Straight up,...
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I realize that sounds kind of stupid but for as long as I can remember I've had enough time on a daily basis to be bored or just reflect on whatever. Straight up,...
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guess what? nobody cares. go cry about it.
im going to punch you in the balls so hard. are you going to be in the hometown this summer? cuz if you are, Im going to rumble you.
im going to punch you in the balls so hard. are you going to be in the hometown this summer? cuz if you are, Im going to rumble you.
Oh believe me, I'm cryin'
I'll be around from time to time for a good rumbling, but I'll be residing in the Rogue Valley.
I'll be around from time to time for a good rumbling, but I'll be residing in the Rogue Valley.
Bwaha!! I finished the presentation of my thesis!!! It was nice to discuss the subject with and take questions from people whose education makes/made them capable of understanding everything ("peers" they call 'em).
The problem is that this has given me a false sense of assurance that everything is taken care of as far as my academics are concerned because the paper itself is NOT...
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The problem is that this has given me a false sense of assurance that everything is taken care of as far as my academics are concerned because the paper itself is NOT...
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Look at me! Look at me! Newish pictures.
I work at a coffee shop on the campus of the uni. that I attend and we don't have storage right there where we serve. Everyday, I have to go to this underground storage . . . lair to get more white chocolate powder, or chai concentrate. The problem is I like to linger there because it's...
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I work at a coffee shop on the campus of the uni. that I attend and we don't have storage right there where we serve. Everyday, I have to go to this underground storage . . . lair to get more white chocolate powder, or chai concentrate. The problem is I like to linger there because it's...
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Birthday?! Happy one!
Yeah, that's a story I won't post anywhere online. Thanks for the wishes
I am back home. The air is sweeter, I can run faster, longer, and I'm well libated...if that's even a word.
P.S. Never trust a girl who says she only has to bring "a few bags"
P.S. Never trust a girl who says she only has to bring "a few bags"
For anyone out there thinking about going to a new university, don't go on tours provided by the school's recruiting department. Go into the various buildings that you see, ask folks where you could find someone with whom you can speak, in depth about the classes you'd like to take. If you're interested in English, find someone in upper-division English classes, at random, who is...
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I am looking for words and music or just plain recordings of old drinking songs in English, French, or Spanish. And I mean sailor-esque drinking songs like the Spanish ladies or that one that Swearingen sings on deeadwood at the end of the amateur night episode.
believe it or not, food perfumes already exist! Demeter makes ones that smell like cake batter, and brownies, and laundromat, and grass, and dirt, and funeral home, and trees. Its so great.
Hi boy!