So...I might be doing a "Twin Corset" shoot with the beautiful Miss Alyxx and awesome photographer, Morningstar55 either this weekend or next. I am SOOOOO happy I get to model again - I really do love doing it. Eversince I put on my modeling profiles that I am allowed to model again, I've been getting emails like CRAZY from photographers wanting to work with me
Some shoots will be paid, some are trade (time-for-prints) but either way, I get to build my portfolio and acquire some experience!!
Next week Ascension Suspension will be at the club we go to!! Plus it is a Lingerie Masquerade! So I get to be half-naked and see people hang from the ceiling - awesome!! When my boyfriend and I get married, we're going to be suspended
I want to do it a couple of times before then though, just so I don't faint or go into shock during the ceremony!! Steve and I have been emailing each other and he asked me if I wanted to do it this month (I think on the 24th) but my boyfriend doesn't want me to do it until we get married!! Damnit - I'll probably do it anyways sometime before then.
Last night my freaking "monroe" piercing just came out and the damn jewelry is so small, we couldn't find it anywhere!! I had no other jewelry to put in it so it closed
Oh well...I got my nose pierced on the 11th of this month so - I guess it's alright...
Well, I better go get our clothes from the laundry place - they should be dry soon - BYE!!
PS - there are a few new pics for ya here

Next week Ascension Suspension will be at the club we go to!! Plus it is a Lingerie Masquerade! So I get to be half-naked and see people hang from the ceiling - awesome!! When my boyfriend and I get married, we're going to be suspended

Last night my freaking "monroe" piercing just came out and the damn jewelry is so small, we couldn't find it anywhere!! I had no other jewelry to put in it so it closed

Well, I better go get our clothes from the laundry place - they should be dry soon - BYE!!
PS - there are a few new pics for ya here
very pretty u are!