I'm so f***ing tired! I'm working like crazy and we have to take our friend to work at 7:00 (sometimes 5:00) in the morning every day of the week but Sunday and Monday! We don't really mind taking him - I mean we helped get him the job! We just need to start getting to sleep earlier - I think
Some people want us to go to the club tonight but again, we are lacking WAY to much sleep to be adding to our current sleep deprivation!!! I love seeing my friends and all but goodness - I'm tired. I need some coffee or something. Yah..............

Some people want us to go to the club tonight but again, we are lacking WAY to much sleep to be adding to our current sleep deprivation!!! I love seeing my friends and all but goodness - I'm tired. I need some coffee or something. Yah..............
that corset is so pretty - sounds like good advice- Ive never been into drugs really- I just do them once in a while - Ive known some addicts though and they were definately not very attractive, their lifestyle and all I mean. - yes, Id like to keep my soul 

sleep is good...ive been in that boat myself lately...3-4 hrs a night...but theres so much fun to be had....i try to find a day and crash all day...hope all else is well for you guys out there....