Well, I took 4 tests on Sunday and all came back positive. So, I made an appointment with an OBGYN for Friday so I can get on some prenatal vitamins and whatever else is needed.
Daniel and I talked and he just wants to help out financially - nothing else. I kind of wanted it to be that way because he has A LOT to fix in his life. That is why I broke up with him! I mean, if it didn't work without a baby, it's not going to work with a baby.
I think that would be best for my little person
On the other hand, I am still starting school (for nursing) in January. I find out the due date on Friday I am guessing. I'm not getting morning sickness or anything so that is nice
Everything will be okay - I'm not worried about anything. I might have to get rid of my baby girl Persia though (kitty). I can't change the cat box in my 'condidtion' because I guess there's a chemical in the cat litter or something - I don't know. But I have to find a home for her
Daniel and I talked and he just wants to help out financially - nothing else. I kind of wanted it to be that way because he has A LOT to fix in his life. That is why I broke up with him! I mean, if it didn't work without a baby, it's not going to work with a baby.
I think that would be best for my little person

Everything will be okay - I'm not worried about anything. I might have to get rid of my baby girl Persia though (kitty). I can't change the cat box in my 'condidtion' because I guess there's a chemical in the cat litter or something - I don't know. But I have to find a home for her

actually it's ok to keep your kitty meow....all you have to do is cover your face and wash your hands when you are done....well hopefully daniel will keep to his word....
youll do great...coolest mom to be...