What is it about food that turns my mind into a treasure chest....when I look at something or I taste something, my head being to swim in glorious sensoury overload about all the things I could concoct to go with this sample of true art. Art, that thing which is created which evokes a emotion or response by the creator and observer....food, when it is made by a craftsman and presented to a an appeciative audience amplifies the ideals that mother nature is an artist, while we are merely the hands that form the lines and shades. I love finding perfect foods, something so good it can go with a million things or it is absolutly wonderful all on it's own. I cannot give examples of this because what I beleive is perfect food is always something that is case by case....unless you find a craftsman that is meticulous and precise....like in this one restaurant I eould go to, this guy made blue cheese mash potatoes that I could live on forever....they are wonderful by themselves, but if you add a medium rare steak,or even a spicy pear salad with candied walnuts and fry little cubes of the potatoe mixture while it is till not quiet smoothie style, or an egg over easy, or what about some grilled salmon with a dill lemon sauce with these wonderful potatoes.....tell me I am wrong and you can look in the mirror and see a fool, I know food is personal and my proclamation are based on my experience, but you can sense the connectivity of the universe in a single bite of perfect food...if you are not a cook, you are enchanted and mystified by the magic, if you are a cook, you understand the magic by are no less enchanted by it, in fact when you tatse perfect food you should be inspired and ever that much more apperciative of something so fundemental, yet so absolutley satisifying. I love being a cook and it's times when I create something that even I consider perfect food, once refined once analyzed once trimmed and formed to my ideal....and then I taste it, I smell it, I realize it in all it's glory....wether it is baking, grilling, sauteing, or making something cold be it salads or ice creams..when it's perfect, I give thanks to the universe that has provided me with the means to create this thing, this object of my efforts, and then the true blessing is when I can share it with someone...