So if you are old school, now I am not talking about the days of the true silver screen, but if you remember well the days of sean penn in the movie colors, if you remeber well the days of TJ Hooker, Charlie's Angels, Hill Street Blues, back a long time ago when it would seem that most police weren't that far off rom the ideals of Mayberry and Andy know protect and serve the public safety....well it would seem that those days are long gone and who are we, the populace they are instilled to protect and serve,maybe; or maybe the public safety is the idea of the conglomerate nations to help protect their ability to force feed our minds and souls with damaging images of barbie doll perfection and "Greed is good" ethics, saying that the power elite should be in control because they are the movers and shakers....well what if we all got up one day and decided we wanted to shake the pillars that have been constructed on our backs to hold up the societial structure, what if we wanted to stop eating the waste biproduct of those above raining down on us like a golden shower...pennies from heaven anyone(I know their simcopper not gold)...would those in blue be forced by the edict of thier vows to protect and serve the public safety be forced to stop thier punk rock lil brother, their PTSS uncle or father, their bi-polar mother who decided to stop taking her zoloft and start listening again to the angry little voice in her head...why is that voice angry.....a hungry man is an angry man....hungry for what? When that song was written it is was more meaning the hungry and dying in the streets, the poor children without shoes on thier feet...but now in this golden age of brilliant genious, what is it we are truly hungry for, what fulfilment do we seek...we seek to break these bond of sufferage held to us with the glue of fear, that sticky tacky crap that is instanteniously adhesive and mighty strong....are we held captive so as to protect ourselves from reaching heights of greatness together, which would be an illusion maybe and we would come crashing in on ourselves, causing massive suicide, is that why? Do those people who go to Harvard, Oxford, Princeton, the people who's money comes from strange #'d accounts in small European countries from long long ago, who go to secret meetings at Boehiemian Grove and Camp David, do they know something about the fraility of humanity, or maybe they have the secret of longevity and they are a collective of maybe vampires...not the Bela Legosi "I want to suck your blood" type, but the psyhic type who Cooper, Norey(sp), Bell, Icke have tried to shed some illumination on, those who have the secret of feeding thier own souls with the enrgy of the populace. Creation is one side of a very powerful coin, destruction is the other side, chaos is the air it flips through and order is the players who call heads or where do we stand on that field, we are the grass, we are the chalk outline of the field of play....we are that which gets nutured, then trampled on, then nutured again for next weeks game.....but do we want the caustic treatment of corrupt police and politcians, soon dying out from chemical burn and soil-nutrient dipleation, then replaced by the easily cared for, well I don't at least, have your roots eaten by the worm and go lift into the air on the wind and explore beyond the boundries of this playing feild..maybe gather some seeds and spread them to wherever you flitter about to.....I know this started in a celluloid analogy and ended in a near hippy sounding expression on order in chaos in nature and I apologize for dancing around the point like some tequilla drunk witch at a soltice, but please realise it is you who has the freedom and the power as long as you are willing to accept the responsiblity