Music: Nothing, nada...just silence and the whirring of my brain.
Hmmm, interesting. The company where I am temping have decided to make all their permenant staff redundant and close the office. Guess there aren't many job prospects waiting for me there then!! Hopefully I should be ok to work there until Jan or Feb....I need the cash!! Christmas presents have to come from somewhere....eep!!!
I managed to get the rest of the temps in on some dares was hilarious
like for instance; walking around with your fly open for an hour, calling everyone Bob, saying mon Jamaican style at the end of each sentence, saying would you like fries with that everytime someone asks you a question.......and many many many more. Its been a fun couple of days at work
.....Tuesday the entire permenant staff went off for the whole morning to the "erm your all using your jobs" meeting so us temps were left in the building on our own....muuuuuuuuuuuuuuhahahaha and much bonding to be done
So things are going kinda ok at the moment
for once! Apart from my damn family who just need a kick up the backside grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Soooooooo I have a few questions and a few little tasks for you to do:
1) one of my tasks for today was to get all these words in a string into one sentence....yeah but at the end of the day right you know innit....Now its your turn!
2) If you were a cuddly toy what would you be, what would your name be, and who would your owner be?
3) name your favourite pizza topping.
4) half life 2, GTA San Andreas or Doom 3?
5) how many marshmallows can you fit in your mouth at once?
This is the best thread ever...tell me what is your little helper name?? I'm Cutie Horny-Elf.....which is quite apt really
(ok well maybe not THE best thread ever, but its nearly christmas and I'm bored

Music: Nothing, nada...just silence and the whirring of my brain.
Hmmm, interesting. The company where I am temping have decided to make all their permenant staff redundant and close the office. Guess there aren't many job prospects waiting for me there then!! Hopefully I should be ok to work there until Jan or Feb....I need the cash!! Christmas presents have to come from somewhere....eep!!!
I managed to get the rest of the temps in on some dares was hilarious

So things are going kinda ok at the moment

Soooooooo I have a few questions and a few little tasks for you to do:
1) one of my tasks for today was to get all these words in a string into one sentence....yeah but at the end of the day right you know innit....Now its your turn!
2) If you were a cuddly toy what would you be, what would your name be, and who would your owner be?
3) name your favourite pizza topping.
4) half life 2, GTA San Andreas or Doom 3?
5) how many marshmallows can you fit in your mouth at once?
This is the best thread ever...tell me what is your little helper name?? I'm Cutie Horny-Elf.....which is quite apt really

(ok well maybe not THE best thread ever, but its nearly christmas and I'm bored

In answer to your question...
1. that is a sentence isn't it? Or at least one I've heard the locals say round where I live!
2. I wouldn't be a stuffed toy I'd be a real cat, because that would be the only way to live!
3. Pineapple, olives, jalapenos and all that stuff. Veggie pizzas don't come in that many varieties
4.GTA, all the way
5. No marshmallows. Am on a diet, and I shouldn't really eat the anyway...pork and beef gelatin?
|Now, mince pies, that's what I'm talking about