on some counts
on others
on the wonerful Aosoth's set going up.
Music: Foo Fighters - One by One
Drinking: Jasmine Tea.
My dad just called me to gloat at the fact it was snowing where he lives, I love snow baaah! I wish it would snow here....apparently this part of the UK is void of snow for about 51 and a half weeks of the year *sniffle* - I wanna move back up north and get snowed in on a regular basis through the winter
I love digging my way out of the front door and diving in a huge snow drift to make puuuuurdy snowangels. I love waking up on a winter morning to see the ground covered with white, pulling on some big boots and a pair of cozy gloves and running outside to watch my breath turn to ice crystals in front of me.
I wonder what it is about snow that makes everyone so happy, the thought of childhoods spent hurling snowballs? or is it some weird science thing like the world becomes brighter from the glaring white we get uber light and feel the happiness that daylight brings us in the summer?
I wish I was hurling snowballs, instead of freezing my tits off in this apartment with its one storage heater. Its raining hard outside...I hope it turns to snow
The temp job isn't so bad, I love being paid to piss around all day
...I've even managed to break the ice, although its blatantly obvious that most of the office see temps as the scum of the earth...being as they are cutting permenant jobs but still taking on temps...ooops, office politics at their best!
Urg...I think I have a group of drunken computer programmers staying over tomorrow la playstation
...can't work out whether to go out with them or not, I'll be the only girlie and I don't really know them....but then again I actually know noone here...I need to get out and find some like minded people damn it!
1) Should I stay or go? (out to the pub with a group of boys)
2) What's your favourite type of tea?
3) Favourite thing about snow/winter?
4) favourite song to hump to?
and OMG there are some freaking incredible sets going up at the moment....I have such a back log to look at!

Music: Foo Fighters - One by One
Drinking: Jasmine Tea.
My dad just called me to gloat at the fact it was snowing where he lives, I love snow baaah! I wish it would snow here....apparently this part of the UK is void of snow for about 51 and a half weeks of the year *sniffle* - I wanna move back up north and get snowed in on a regular basis through the winter

I wonder what it is about snow that makes everyone so happy, the thought of childhoods spent hurling snowballs? or is it some weird science thing like the world becomes brighter from the glaring white we get uber light and feel the happiness that daylight brings us in the summer?
I wish I was hurling snowballs, instead of freezing my tits off in this apartment with its one storage heater. Its raining hard outside...I hope it turns to snow

The temp job isn't so bad, I love being paid to piss around all day

Urg...I think I have a group of drunken computer programmers staying over tomorrow la playstation

1) Should I stay or go? (out to the pub with a group of boys)
2) What's your favourite type of tea?
3) Favourite thing about snow/winter?
4) favourite song to hump to?
and OMG there are some freaking incredible sets going up at the moment....I have such a back log to look at!

1) Go on be a devil
2) Coffee flavored
3) Walking the puppy.
4) I don't have one but if I did it would be "Spider and the Fly" by the Rollin Stones