Wows ... time goes quick when your having fun! ... or something like that!!!
I'm off for a whole week of snowboarding soon ... in fact next week ... which means I may well get my yearly birthday wish of snow on my birthday! Do not let me down oh god of mountain weather. I demand to make snow angels on my birthday and nothing less
!!! Or at least get on a little bit of powder and learn to ride properly!
I shall conquer you drag lifts, I shall ... first I need to conquer chair lifts ... which sounds fairly harsh on a snowboard ... but hey that's what crash pants are for!! Viva extra-padding!
Other than that things are coasting along ... plans are coming together, heading up to 29 years old seems to be going not too badly at the moment. Not freaking out about 1 more year to 30 .... hell 29 is the new 19. Apparently.
I'm in dire need of some new reading and listening material .... for travelling and for riding ... so recommend me something awesome to read on the plane and something great to ride down a mountain on ... pleeeeeeeeease!
Love ya,
I'm off for a whole week of snowboarding soon ... in fact next week ... which means I may well get my yearly birthday wish of snow on my birthday! Do not let me down oh god of mountain weather. I demand to make snow angels on my birthday and nothing less

I shall conquer you drag lifts, I shall ... first I need to conquer chair lifts ... which sounds fairly harsh on a snowboard ... but hey that's what crash pants are for!! Viva extra-padding!
Other than that things are coasting along ... plans are coming together, heading up to 29 years old seems to be going not too badly at the moment. Not freaking out about 1 more year to 30 .... hell 29 is the new 19. Apparently.
I'm in dire need of some new reading and listening material .... for travelling and for riding ... so recommend me something awesome to read on the plane and something great to ride down a mountain on ... pleeeeeeeeease!
Love ya,
have fun on the snowboard ..
Thanks for your sweet comment on my Volcanic Ruins set!