This weekend was awesome. Totally utterly awesome. In true SG style.....
I loved it!
I got to go back to of my fave places on earth and hang out with some freaking awesome people. Saturday.....Neyrissa's housewarming.....more in a pub than a house but with a shitload of cool!! It was great meeting more SGUK members and hanging out with some of the most awesome girls on earth.
Tsui is totally gorgeous!!...did you see her new set??
TheDuke tried to convince me that Life on Mars was so good that if I bought it and didn't like it he would give me my money back. Well........*orders DVD.....gets out pen and pad for full critique*. Rael combined with ShamanWolf had me talking in some strange Bristol-Midlands accent as my two opposing home forces kicked in. was bad enough getting the Brisl twang back, never mind talking in my original accent. Yes, as I said to those guys, people at work have found it highly hilarious over the past two days.
I remember deep and meaningful conversations about TV. And comics. I remember vodka. I remember being too terribly shy to speak to most people
I met Qwerty, she's even more awesome than I thought she would be!!! Not to mention prancing around a bar in nothing more than lingerie and stockings with her, Neyrissa, Pystol, Miyo, for half of Sunday and Sky briefly. Boy was that awesome.....apart from the old guy who looked somewhat like we had given him a heartattack.
All I can say is tommycha is an brilliant!
In other news........
I've been offered a new job and hell am I taking it means moving, it means a hella lot of stress to get there but I think in the long run it's going to make me a hella lot happier!!!!
Hurrah. Happy 'Nopey is good 'Nopey.
Hospital stuff went ok, it wasn't pleasent. I have tablets. I have to get better. Moving job should help that.
And....I just...this really, really encapsulates my week so far....
I loved it!
I got to go back to of my fave places on earth and hang out with some freaking awesome people. Saturday.....Neyrissa's housewarming.....more in a pub than a house but with a shitload of cool!! It was great meeting more SGUK members and hanging out with some of the most awesome girls on earth.
Tsui is totally gorgeous!!...did you see her new set??
TheDuke tried to convince me that Life on Mars was so good that if I bought it and didn't like it he would give me my money back. Well........*orders DVD.....gets out pen and pad for full critique*. Rael combined with ShamanWolf had me talking in some strange Bristol-Midlands accent as my two opposing home forces kicked in. was bad enough getting the Brisl twang back, never mind talking in my original accent. Yes, as I said to those guys, people at work have found it highly hilarious over the past two days.
I remember deep and meaningful conversations about TV. And comics. I remember vodka. I remember being too terribly shy to speak to most people
I met Qwerty, she's even more awesome than I thought she would be!!! Not to mention prancing around a bar in nothing more than lingerie and stockings with her, Neyrissa, Pystol, Miyo, for half of Sunday and Sky briefly. Boy was that awesome.....apart from the old guy who looked somewhat like we had given him a heartattack.
All I can say is tommycha is an brilliant!
In other news........
I've been offered a new job and hell am I taking it means moving, it means a hella lot of stress to get there but I think in the long run it's going to make me a hella lot happier!!!!
Hurrah. Happy 'Nopey is good 'Nopey.
Hospital stuff went ok, it wasn't pleasent. I have tablets. I have to get better. Moving job should help that.
And....I just...this really, really encapsulates my week so far....
Tell me....
1) Favourite super hero?
2) Favourite super villan?
3) Favourite book, comic or graphic novel?
I have to run, love ya
Nopey xoxo
Fav Super Hero: Spiderman probably ..
Villian: The Penguin
Graphic Novel: A History of Violence or Pyongyang (about North Korea)
I LOve your new are HOT!