Oh gooood lord I'm 27 whole years old in 4 days. 4 DAYS. ELDERLY WOMAN COMING THROUGH!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEK.
Gosh darn it where the hell did time go?? I still feel 16, I dont feel any different, yet I'm supposed to be all sorts of grown up!!!
Nothing much planned for the birfday though, I'm nearing 30 or something, I should be sitting infront of the TV watching soaps and drinking tea!
Went to London recently and stayed for a couple of days and did a butt load of exciting stuff!!! Like meeting up with some SGUKers
Went to the alien exhibition at the Science Museum and saw A)
Alien Queen!
And many many other things to indulge my intensely geeky side
Also went to the playboy exposed exhibition and stared at boobies in a gallery in the middle of Camden wooooo.
And a wall completely covered in every front cover of every issue.
Ooohh I also have new hair, although it looks absolutely nothing like this anymore, being as I'm the lamest hairstylist ever....
and a new lion...
I got him for Valentines day from, well you know who you are
I seem to have also gained somewhat of an addiction to noodles and Wagamama. Goddam love that place, unfortunately I can't stop eating there and its costing me and Phobot a small fortune!!!
Look nooooooooooodles!
Heeeeee I seem to be the queen of pictures today
What else is new in the world of Sinope. Hmmm I have a new job cos the office I worked for is closing down. Hmm it kinda blows monkey chunks. I seem to be a professional filer, goddam zombie jesus I hate filing.
Um, I'm gonna see the Foo Fighters *squeals uncontrollably*, hopefully gonna go to Download and Reading festivals (omg Pearl Jam are playing) this year.
I have zim figurines, and have totally turned my new cell phone into a zim shrine, yes I have gir as my wallpaper, the theme tune as my ringtone and zim as my message notification. I freaking love that show so much!!!!!
I can't keep up with all the amazing sets on here, goddam there are a whole bunch of hotties around here
Sooooo enough of my incessant ramblings!!
What have you guys been up to???
1) Valentines day, kick ass or commercial rubbish?
2) I can't stop buying shoes, dvds and cds...whats your retail passion?
3) I'm on the last chapter of Resi Evil 4, quick someone recommend a new game so I don't get withdrawal symptoms and lose all feeling in my thumbs.
4) Describe the room your in.
5) Describe what your wearing
6) would you rather spend the day with someone funny or intellectual?
Hugs and kisses ya shexy lot
eeeeee 2 day count down to birthday!
Gosh darn it where the hell did time go?? I still feel 16, I dont feel any different, yet I'm supposed to be all sorts of grown up!!!
Nothing much planned for the birfday though, I'm nearing 30 or something, I should be sitting infront of the TV watching soaps and drinking tea!
Went to London recently and stayed for a couple of days and did a butt load of exciting stuff!!! Like meeting up with some SGUKers

Alien Queen!

And many many other things to indulge my intensely geeky side

Also went to the playboy exposed exhibition and stared at boobies in a gallery in the middle of Camden wooooo.

And a wall completely covered in every front cover of every issue.
Ooohh I also have new hair, although it looks absolutely nothing like this anymore, being as I'm the lamest hairstylist ever....

and a new lion...

I got him for Valentines day from, well you know who you are

I seem to have also gained somewhat of an addiction to noodles and Wagamama. Goddam love that place, unfortunately I can't stop eating there and its costing me and Phobot a small fortune!!!

Look nooooooooooodles!

Heeeeee I seem to be the queen of pictures today

What else is new in the world of Sinope. Hmmm I have a new job cos the office I worked for is closing down. Hmm it kinda blows monkey chunks. I seem to be a professional filer, goddam zombie jesus I hate filing.
Um, I'm gonna see the Foo Fighters *squeals uncontrollably*, hopefully gonna go to Download and Reading festivals (omg Pearl Jam are playing) this year.
I have zim figurines, and have totally turned my new cell phone into a zim shrine, yes I have gir as my wallpaper, the theme tune as my ringtone and zim as my message notification. I freaking love that show so much!!!!!
I can't keep up with all the amazing sets on here, goddam there are a whole bunch of hotties around here

Sooooo enough of my incessant ramblings!!
What have you guys been up to???
1) Valentines day, kick ass or commercial rubbish?
2) I can't stop buying shoes, dvds and cds...whats your retail passion?
3) I'm on the last chapter of Resi Evil 4, quick someone recommend a new game so I don't get withdrawal symptoms and lose all feeling in my thumbs.
4) Describe the room your in.
5) Describe what your wearing
6) would you rather spend the day with someone funny or intellectual?
Hugs and kisses ya shexy lot

eeeeee 2 day count down to birthday!