Hrm so much has been happening since my last date.
Lets see:
I've decided that I am moving back to Hamilton asap, then to Ozzie in March 06.
Tauranga boy and I had some marvellous times together and are still in contact
I went partying with Ebbz in Hamilton and met another wonderful guy who soon became my bf, although has since ended (a day...
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Lets see:
I've decided that I am moving back to Hamilton asap, then to Ozzie in March 06.
Tauranga boy and I had some marvellous times together and are still in contact

I went partying with Ebbz in Hamilton and met another wonderful guy who soon became my bf, although has since ended (a day...
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tetrisbrokeme tagged my ass so here goes:
"Write 20 random facts about yourself then tag the same amount of people as minutes it takes you to write the facts. If you're tagged it's your turn."
1. I am moving back to my hometown soon.
2. I currently have whip marks on my arm from a towel fight on Saturday.
3. I love old school cars....
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"Write 20 random facts about yourself then tag the same amount of people as minutes it takes you to write the facts. If you're tagged it's your turn."
1. I am moving back to my hometown soon.
2. I currently have whip marks on my arm from a towel fight on Saturday.
3. I love old school cars....
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imdb? tell us more...
hey girl! how are you? what is new? things with the girl are going good. but i just found out i have an interview for a job in toronto canada! i am really torn! i just got the NZ! but this job could be really good....

I have started putting <3's after certain things.
I am loopy hahahaha. I am on cloud 9. I am enjoying my current situation. I am liking life's events since Thursday.
I am annoyed at some of the gossip I have heard. I am feeling uplifted. I am excited about certain people and the roles they might play in my life.
I love my mum.
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I am loopy hahahaha. I am on cloud 9. I am enjoying my current situation. I am liking life's events since Thursday.
I am annoyed at some of the gossip I have heard. I am feeling uplifted. I am excited about certain people and the roles they might play in my life.
I love my mum.
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Bring on loopy heh happiness
I'm quite conscious of my moods (currently neutral) it's all colours when have the energetic enthusiasm your entry portrays
Until, doesn't take long... . .
Keep smiling !! ! !!

I'm quite conscious of my moods (currently neutral) it's all colours when have the energetic enthusiasm your entry portrays
Until, doesn't take long... . .
Keep smiling !! ! !!
hey sinnocencez, when the heck is it suppose it get warm in the dang country. i'm freezing my butt off!

Ok I got tagged by punkterrorist so here it is my lovelies:
Rules: Post 20 interesting facts about yourself. Tag 5 people; they have to post 20 interesting facts about themselves and tag another five people.
1) My thumbs are unusually flexible.
2) Mum wanted to name me Sam instead of Sharyn but my dad refused to go along with it.
3) I was in...
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Rules: Post 20 interesting facts about yourself. Tag 5 people; they have to post 20 interesting facts about themselves and tag another five people.
1) My thumbs are unusually flexible.
2) Mum wanted to name me Sam instead of Sharyn but my dad refused to go along with it.
3) I was in...
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damn, you got me. Have posted mine to my journal.
I get to go to my favourite place in the world tomorrow. The airport.
Why is the airport my favourite place .... because it always means some kind of adventure and we all know how much I love adventures!
Why is the airport my favourite place .... because it always means some kind of adventure and we all know how much I love adventures!
where you going? apart from the airport?
Airports can be sad... . . leaving something behind, silver lining tho ha new adventure awaits
you travelling?!?

I will begin by saying that I've met a whole lot of very friendly people within the local music scene of late, it's been peachy.
So last night MacGuyver and I headed along to the ELEMENO P gig and had an amazing night. I had not heard Streetwise Scarlett before and I have to say that they were top notch. We were bouncing around like...
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So last night MacGuyver and I headed along to the ELEMENO P gig and had an amazing night. I had not heard Streetwise Scarlett before and I have to say that they were top notch. We were bouncing around like...
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ewwww, kfc in new zealand! it's just not the same! hehe. and the gravy you guys have, ewwww. hehe. still, i'd love to go back
sounds like you had a cool time

sounds like you had a cool time

Sounds like a wicked night babe, rock on ha
I haven't had a good night out in a while, feeling lil bored same shit diff day syndrome
Meh.. get my complainin' ass out there and do something about it eh !! ! !!

I haven't had a good night out in a while, feeling lil bored same shit diff day syndrome
Meh.. get my complainin' ass out there and do something about it eh !! ! !!
Everything feels a tad random at the moment. Lots of things are happening that are unexpected (or maybe expected), weird, totally out of the blue and some times down right hilarious and some times down right sad.
SGOUKI texted me yesterday asking if I wanted to go to the Microsoft Techfest Party with him. I'm shying away from all things geek at the moment. Well...
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SGOUKI texted me yesterday asking if I wanted to go to the Microsoft Techfest Party with him. I'm shying away from all things geek at the moment. Well...
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Sorry to hear that your not feeling very good right now. Hopefully your weekend plans will help out.
[Edited on Sep 02, 2005 12:41PM]

[Edited on Sep 02, 2005 12:41PM]
hey, hope you are feeling better. thanks for the good wishes--actually, i got stood up, so went out and got blinding drunk. so drunk in fact, that the cops showed up at my place at 2am because i was so loud and i had to call in sick to work (puking at 7am is not so fun!)... life, can really throw you a curve sometimes..
Work has been going really well lately. My boss is happy with the research I have been doing for the new exhibits we will be holding next year and keeps giving me interesting stuff to do. Big up's for me
I'm working late tomorrow night, have Miss Icey's party on Friday night, work Saturday morning and two gigs to get to in the evening. I'm...
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I'm working late tomorrow night, have Miss Icey's party on Friday night, work Saturday morning and two gigs to get to in the evening. I'm...
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My cell phones in similar state,
piece of shit meh... it's all a scam
They have life expectancy of about 6 months before start falling apart!
Mine = too small I'm constantly losing and dropping it along with the moving up side face from ear to mouth to speak into it
Technology, fuck
piece of shit meh... it's all a scam
They have life expectancy of about 6 months before start falling apart!
Mine = too small I'm constantly losing and dropping it along with the moving up side face from ear to mouth to speak into it
Technology, fuck
"A wild ride, over stony ground
Such a lust for life, the circus comes to town
We are the hungry ones, on a lightning raid
Just like a river runs, like a fire needs flame
I burn for you" ~ Def Leppard - Animal
Those lyrics couldn't say it any better hahaha. I am happy, I'm thinking of old times, I'm thinking of new times...
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Such a lust for life, the circus comes to town
We are the hungry ones, on a lightning raid
Just like a river runs, like a fire needs flame
I burn for you" ~ Def Leppard - Animal
Those lyrics couldn't say it any better hahaha. I am happy, I'm thinking of old times, I'm thinking of new times...
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you seem kinda cool.

I am gonna wreck my shit tonight, just wait and see!

My new found love is dance class. I had oodles of fun! Although I am about as graceful as an elephant and I just can't get the 'funk' out of my stride. I think the Hip Hop class will be much more suitable as opposed to the Street Jazz class. J and I stuck around for the Hip Hop class and I'm amped. It's rockin...
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Sin City was indeed awesome!!
We want the funk...gotta have that funk..
and I think you sould have a recorder or your cellphone at the ready with the macguyver theme set to play at all never know when you'll need it..
We want the funk...gotta have that funk..
and I think you sould have a recorder or your cellphone at the ready with the macguyver theme set to play at all never know when you'll need it..
Bob Marley always cheers me up.
Hope things work out for you guys.