Hi guys,
I really need your help. As you know or not, I'm manager of polish cocktail bar and few days I lost my workplace, I lost my job because we must to close ur bar. Today we are fighting for funds to persevere our team and bar. The SARS-COVID-19 pandemic surprised us at the time of numerous bar changes, reducing our revenues to zero. We were also forced to suspend the investment in opening the bar's kitchen, which is already under construction.
To save the bar, we decided to ask you for support in a form that will allow us to repay you with interest, after quarantine ends and we reopen.
The bar currently generates zero revenue. We decided to continue the team's work in a remote manner - so that the team has a chance to make any income and provide for themselves in the coming months. We create for you articles on our blog and videos showing how to create cocktails at home.
However, it still doesn't generate any revenue for us. Employee payments, rent, and fixed fees remain, generating a significant burden that our premises cannot withstand. By supporting us, you'll allow for:
- Perseverance our team, which will constantly create content plan cocktails for upcoming cards;
- Covering rent and making sure Dram Bar survives, to be a place for even more magical evenings;
- Finishing kitchen investment, so we can start delivery and hire a kitchen Chef;
- Help local arists and artisans, with whom we will cooperate to provide your backer rewards.
If you want to help me and my team - you can buy a bon here -> https://polakpotrafi.pl/projekt/uratuj-z-nami-dram-bar
Thank u for your time,
SINNI xoxo