The Erics want to go to BlizzCon this year, which I am definitely interested in, but also wary of. Long trip with a tiny 4-5 month old baby (I don't think I'd be OK with leaving her behind just yet). Tickets are $100 a pop. I'd want my brother and his wife to at least go down with us but he will be in law school and probably not available to make the trip...
On the plus size we can stay down there free with Eric #2's wife's family and see my loves Christopher and Tina. And I know I'd have fun nerding it up, down, and all around. It'd be a miniguild meet.
Plus I miss LA and Chinese food. We could eat at my fave dumpling place in the whole world and see my buddy Suan from college.
How far should one go for nerddom?
On the plus size we can stay down there free with Eric #2's wife's family and see my loves Christopher and Tina. And I know I'd have fun nerding it up, down, and all around. It'd be a miniguild meet.
Plus I miss LA and Chinese food. We could eat at my fave dumpling place in the whole world and see my buddy Suan from college.
How far should one go for nerddom?
Hilarious that he's still called "Eric #2", bwahaha
would you please give birth already?!
dear mena
come out and say hi darnit!
dear gavin
please consider what we discussed in the bathroom the other night and choose an appropriate arrival date.
thank you.
dear eric
just because mena's head is engaged doesn't mean you should stop having sex with jaki.