Yay for Obama really, yay.
But fucking PROP 8!!!! I can't believe it passed.
I heard on Adam Corolla this morning, some douche saying he voted Yes because of the school issue, that he has gay friends that he loves and isn't against them getting married.
I'm sorry, but if you voted YES on Prop 8, you don't have gay friends. You know gay...
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Yay for Obama really, yay.
But fucking PROP 8!!!! I can't believe it passed.
I heard on Adam Corolla this morning, some douche saying he voted Yes because of the school issue, that he has gay friends that he loves and isn't against them getting married.
I'm sorry, but if you voted YES on Prop 8, you don't have gay friends. You know gay...
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I am ready for this election to be over.
Regardless of who wins, we get a President upgrade. That being said, I hope its not McCain.
But most of all, I hope CA's Prop 8 fails. Fails, fails, fails. I can't wait to vote No on it.
Regardless of who wins, we get a President upgrade. That being said, I hope its not McCain.
But most of all, I hope CA's Prop 8 fails. Fails, fails, fails. I can't wait to vote No on it.
Argh...may not have Halloween party here because the guy who lives below us is a total douchebag.
Stupid assholes who wear no shirts.
Funny that he was intimidated by Eric.
Punkass bitch.
Stupid assholes who wear no shirts.
Funny that he was intimidated by Eric.
Punkass bitch.
want me to come kick him in the nutsack?
That is SO adorable. Eric should be captain hook!!
because you know, he's a bit too big to be peter pan.
because you know, he's a bit too big to be peter pan.
Moved to a bigger, better apartment the next town over and feel sooo much more free. Tired of tiny cramped apartment. Baby toys all over.
Halloween party at new place probably. Dennys within walking distance. Should be a blast.
Halloween party at new place probably. Dennys within walking distance. Should be a blast.
Yeah, Fairfield or Dixon?
Dixon! YAY!!
Mena should really let me sleep more.
That would just rock my nuts off.
That would just rock my nuts off.
hahaha eventually it'll happen.
she needs to come take a lesson from gavin
he and i love to sleep in
he and i love to sleep in
Now and again it will hit me.
Fuck, I'm 29.
Fuck, I'm 29.
and what a hot 29 yo mommy you are! 

Saw Dark Knight. Like Iron Man better.
Not saying TDK was bad, it was quite good also.
I guess what I am saying is I would have the sex with Robert Downey, Jr.
Not saying TDK was bad, it was quite good also.
I guess what I am saying is I would have the sex with Robert Downey, Jr.
we better be careful
talk of threesomes/foursomes on SG
could get us in trouble

talk of threesomes/foursomes on SG
could get us in trouble

The Erics want to go to BlizzCon this year, which I am definitely interested in, but also wary of. Long trip with a tiny 4-5 month old baby (I don't think I'd be OK with leaving her behind just yet). Tickets are $100 a pop. I'd want my brother and his wife to at least go down with us but he will be in law...
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Why not? Sounds fun. You'll need to get out after so much nonstop baby time.
Hilarious that he's still called "Eric #2", bwahaha
Hilarious that he's still called "Eric #2", bwahaha
dear jaki
would you please give birth already?!
dear mena
come out and say hi darnit!
dear gavin
please consider what we discussed in the bathroom the other night and choose an appropriate arrival date.
thank you.
would you please give birth already?!
dear mena
come out and say hi darnit!
dear gavin
please consider what we discussed in the bathroom the other night and choose an appropriate arrival date.
thank you.
Married for a year already! Holy smokes!
has it been a year already!? wow! congrats darling
holy crap where did the time go?!
Dear Mena,
You can come out anytime now, you're technically full-term. Daddy is anxious to meet you and I am just exhausted. Dunno what you were up to last night but it didn't feel so very nice, I'd appreciate it if you just came on out and did all the wiggling on the outside of my body.
You can come out anytime now, you're technically full-term. Daddy is anxious to meet you and I am just exhausted. Dunno what you were up to last night but it didn't feel so very nice, I'd appreciate it if you just came on out and did all the wiggling on the outside of my body.
Dear Mena,
Come out soon so your Mom can feel better!
Dear Jaki,
I miss you! You hafta post lots of pictures of the little one and once life has settled down I want to come see the family!
Come out soon so your Mom can feel better!
Dear Jaki,
I miss you! You hafta post lots of pictures of the little one and once life has settled down I want to come see the family!
I heard I am supposed to have a baby this month. Holy crap.
holy shit a baby! that's seriously awesome!

I am so done being pregnant!
i second that.
im sick of waking up and looking in the mirror every morning
can i just go into preterm labor already?!
im sick of waking up and looking in the mirror every morning
can i just go into preterm labor already?!
OMG me too. If I went into preterm labor before the 4th of May I think I'd be the happiest person alive. lol.
http://www. petitiononline. com/seg5130/petition-sign. html