Well, I officially have no desire to go to work today. It is 8:29 in the am, and I should be getting to work at 9 in the am, and I just got up, I am not ready to go, AND I am here updating my journal, haha, I rule.
It's really cold today and so was yesterday, that's kinda weird cause it was really warm a couple of days ago. I guess that's your usual Atlanta weather.
On Sunday May 9th (which is also mother's day, go give your momma some love), it will officially be 2 years exactly of living in the USA.
I can't believe it's been 2 years, at the same time so much shit has happened, it's seems like at least 5 years.
Brief description of the 2 years. Won scholarship, packed bags, moved to the other side of the world. Left everything I've ever known or loved. Get here spend about 2 months in Waco, GA (don't ask), most of the time doing close to nothing, or in the hospital with my grandma (R.I.P.). Then started school, started a new job, learned how to drive basically. My grandma died, I freaked, I lost that job. Moved out of student housing got my own apt. then failed to pay my bills, close to getting evicted every month. Got high for the first time ever. I got mono and felt like I was going to die. Went to Colombia for a month, hooked up with an old boyfriend thought he was the love for the rest of my life. I get back to USA, cute guys are falling out of the sky (which is very rare for this to happen). I found someone I really liked, someone I could love, someone I could spend the rest of my life with. We were together for 5 months, then got married. Our first anniversary is coming up in June. In this period of time, I really don't even wanna tell you guys about the shit that happened. Let's just say, several visits to the hospital, therapy, and medication.
In the past year I've had 2 jobs in the graphic design field, I am still currently at the second one. And a very important announcement. My birthday is May 20th!!! I will be 21 for the first time ever!!!
It has been a long long journey to 21. Hopefully some of the local members can come and celebrate with me.
Have a good Monday.

It's really cold today and so was yesterday, that's kinda weird cause it was really warm a couple of days ago. I guess that's your usual Atlanta weather.
On Sunday May 9th (which is also mother's day, go give your momma some love), it will officially be 2 years exactly of living in the USA.

Brief description of the 2 years. Won scholarship, packed bags, moved to the other side of the world. Left everything I've ever known or loved. Get here spend about 2 months in Waco, GA (don't ask), most of the time doing close to nothing, or in the hospital with my grandma (R.I.P.). Then started school, started a new job, learned how to drive basically. My grandma died, I freaked, I lost that job. Moved out of student housing got my own apt. then failed to pay my bills, close to getting evicted every month. Got high for the first time ever. I got mono and felt like I was going to die. Went to Colombia for a month, hooked up with an old boyfriend thought he was the love for the rest of my life. I get back to USA, cute guys are falling out of the sky (which is very rare for this to happen). I found someone I really liked, someone I could love, someone I could spend the rest of my life with. We were together for 5 months, then got married. Our first anniversary is coming up in June. In this period of time, I really don't even wanna tell you guys about the shit that happened. Let's just say, several visits to the hospital, therapy, and medication.
In the past year I've had 2 jobs in the graphic design field, I am still currently at the second one. And a very important announcement. My birthday is May 20th!!! I will be 21 for the first time ever!!!

Have a good Monday.

Sounds like things have been crazy for ya. I know the feeling.
My shit is finally pulling together--We need to chill together sometime soon. I'll call you tonight.
I almost forgot to tell you how awesome your ad in the loaf was. Beautiful!!
[Edited on May 05, 2004 1:14PM]