I open my eyes just to see my valley of sorrow lay below.The sky gray with impending storm the sun does not shine here.I look down at my hands my flesh void of color except the crisom stains from the prior days battle. I walk down from my chair to the valley floor,theres nothing here trees empty as my heart the soil gives way under my feet.I can hear the fight starting these beasts I face can only be describe as clones of me but in distorted shape and form ,I call them demons a vulgar word but to call them in my likeness would be to accept them and I cannot do that.The demons twisted in shape have claws sharp and tareing like jealousy teeth jagged for ripping similar to self doubt.Skin the color of death and coasre with short hair stiff sharp stinging like off handed remarks.These demons born of man fed by society I face on a daily front.As i prepare for the fight I have no armor or weapons of steel I stand naked ready and accepting of my fate. Face to face with these demons I fear nothing staring into those empty eyes like looking at lonliness itself I ready myself. The fight begins,the wounds they inflict deaper than flesh and bone but I fight on.I grab one feeling the neck break under pessure of my grip then another over rottating shoulder joint till it sepperates not a kill but slowing the beast for the final hold,rapping my arm around it's neck squezing until the last breath can be heard.Another slashes at my skin oh the sensation of it parting under his claw the pain a welcome feeling knowing I'm still alive and able to fight I grab another.When the day is won I look to my chair made of stone and cold there is no comfort but a place to rest for the next battle. I look upon my valley litterd with corpses and realize that is home the fight the pain all bred by society,I sit alone in hope that the sun will shine upon me and my valley once again.
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