I have a bitch about life.i've bn wounded and have not the strenght to hide it so i will write about it.the most painfull injurys are those of the heart.they do not heal fast or without scars,and those scars make one ugly to others. so here is my question what do you do when you are to weak to hide those scars?
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I have a bitch about life.i've bn wounded and have not the strenght t… -
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I'm sorry to hear about your pain, it is hard to say when you are this vague though, if something is my fault I try and learn from it and become a better person for the future and if someone has done something to me I try not to let it get to my head and realise that THEY should be unhappy about it and it's THEIR loss. Not me.
On another note, your pictures are awesome! Playing with fire, very nice.
Anyway I hope you feel better and don't let whatever it is get you down. Smiles!