i have just been grately honored by all the people on bcb sending me places to come hang out with them i can't wait 4.5 months and i'm gonna meet new people and see new places fuck yes
i fell into a pit today full of lneliness and self loathing.I ware my heart upon my arm for all to see,because i show it this way does not meen that it is there for you to abuse.people say they want honesty but can't handle it. I have a fallen into this pit before and usually reach for the nearest drink to blur my pain.I... Read More
I open my eyes just to see my valley of sorrow lay below.The sky gray with impending storm the sun does not shine here.I look down at my hands my flesh void of color except the crisom stains from the prior days battle. I walk down from my chair to the valley floor,theres nothing here trees empty as my heart the soil gives way under... Read More
So I have to say I joined the BCB group and wow I never felt accepted for who I am more than there. I love SG and the girls (women) that make it be .I appreciate the comments and the love.I have changed my life for the better(I think) with my gastric bypass but still at 245pounds am a BCB. so my hats off to... Read More
so anyhow still a stranger to love kinda over rated started writting pieces can't wait so much crap in my head.but thank you sg for putting a smile on my face everytime i log on
OK so I'm writting a stage show(how hard could that be). I think I'll call it pieces. Main character a man confused and hurt ,walks you down a path of the most twisted and darkest places of his mind.starting with an introduction to the audience, something like "set" center stage lounge chair man smoking and drinking,sets drink down walks over to a box three sided... Read More
I have no other way to vent but to write so those of you who read thank you.I understand the risks of waering ones heart on the sleeve,but without doing so how do you be honest about your feelings.I have recently been hurt by the blade that has been repeatedly driving into my flesh,the thought that i was and... Read More
I have a bitch about life.i've bn wounded and have not the strenght to hide it so i will write about it.the most painfull injurys are those of the heart.they do not heal fast or without scars,and those scars make one ugly to others. so here is my question what do you do when you are to weak to hide those scars?
Hey thanks for the wonderful comment you left on my set, I'm very glad you liked it!
I'm sorry to hear about your pain, it is hard to say when you are this vague though, if something is my fault I try and learn from it and become a better person for the future and if someone has done something to me I try not to let it get to my head and realise that THEY should be unhappy about it and it's THEIR loss. Not me.
On another note, your pictures are awesome! Playing with fire, very nice.
Anyway I hope you feel better and don't let whatever it is get you down. Smiles!
started the gym wow this shit hurts ,but thats the price to look good cant wait to change from flabio to fabio . I have a lot of respect now for those of you who train hard . like a boy in a candy store there is to many things in this world i want to do.