so I spend a while on another site that does random message panels and one was about gun control and safety...I simply said that it is my opinion that there should be more safety regulations on owning one and that if you have a child in the house that locking it up was a must....I must have gotten 20 people jump on me about how I was trying to take their guns away. I dont understand. why is being more responsible for a possibly deadly weapon not worth it? I understand our second amendment rights and I respect that. But what I dont get is why some people decided that that entitles them to be armed to the eyeballs with fully automatic assault rifles for hunting deer? gun collecting is fine. my brother is a collector so I can respect that. All I was speaking on was my not understanding having more guns than you have room to safely store and perhaps better safety education over all is not a bad thing. It sucks when people hear you call for responsibility and possible moderation they assume that your un-American and a socialist. I am simply thinking about all the innocent people that are injured or killed because a gun is not properly stored or used. Why is this a bad thing???
its not a bad thing at all. To be honest, people take the whole gun issue a little to close to heart. Gun cotrol is a slippery slope and the zeal that some people get when discussing it... well it makes me nervous that they do own a gun. Personally, I think there should be more regulation. But until we can elect politicians who have the best interest of the country at heart instead of the interest of the interest groups, it will never happen. I personally think we need more regulation. It is to bad that people cant have an honest debate without anger and childishness being thrown in the mix. Dont let a group of single minded fools get you down hun.
i will just simply say that people are stupid. enough said.