Just got back from seeing TRANSFORMERS!
Way fucking kewl! I just really dig the hell out of that movie. It is way not the best movie ever but for 2 1/2 hour it is a good bang for the buck. There are some juvenile goofy scenes and some rather smashingly fun chases. I likes me some big robots. I am a big kid I will always be a big kid. I just ♥ movies.
Way fucking kewl! I just really dig the hell out of that movie. It is way not the best movie ever but for 2 1/2 hour it is a good bang for the buck. There are some juvenile goofy scenes and some rather smashingly fun chases. I likes me some big robots. I am a big kid I will always be a big kid. I just ♥ movies.
I wanted to see it, but SICKO is first on my list. And the Chevy commercials are starting to bug the crap out of me. Good to know it is worth my time.