NOFX, Jack Daniels & free passes to the foundation room have my stomach and head still hurting from Sunday.

I'm too old for this.

worked out at 4:30am, that was rad!
I may be going to Italy in July, I need help! who wants to help? I need lots of help!

Day four of the five days of valentine. Today is Pink Sweaters.

I gotta get a art table for the lady for the last day of Valentine. What a great gift... boyfriend building you a studio in his place... eh eh?
Hey if you're eyes are really like that, I want to see a photo! Please?
winter with no snow... that f'n sucks!

Iceland! May 06'!
at work on a sunday... reformatting computers. Weekend was pretty rad had drinks with my friend who is still working with bands I get to hear all the dirt on all your favorite bands. Im glad I got out of that biz last year. Called it an early night and waited for the girl, got her dinner and rented Dogtown I never knew Rise Against...
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currently very bored. anyone ever been to iceland? i'm planning a trip... MAY 06'
Coldplay friday at metro...

PHenoix AZ or tempe rather... next monday - thursday... anyone wanna get wasted?

Atlanta Georgia at the end of the month... anyone wanna get wasted?

New York, Boston, Maine, etc in July... Anyone wanna get wasted?

Iceland... soon...
happy birthday - hope youre enjoying all your getting wasted! biggrin
currently very bored. anyone ever been to iceland? i'm planning a trip...
St. Patricks day, i'm Scottish...

Done with school. MBA done!

good things.

wolves hockey
Funky Monkey
working out
speaking of hockey...did those greedy son of a bitch players ever get more money or that dental plan they wanted so badly? jesus, and i told everyone that it was going to be all blackhawks this year too. aren't i the april fool?
just in Portland, OR

1. Where did all the suicide girls go?
2. Booya smoothies