went to a peep show, viewed celtics vs. BFC at an irish bar, saw the sites, drank jack daniels and shitty spanish beer, went to many bars, caused much havoc and had much fun!
Hey! the underworld is where its at. Last time i went; Andrea and Heather bought ben and myself 4 shots of tequila each. Because, they wanted to see us dance. And i told them the only way i'm dancing to crappy brit pop is if i'm wasted. So the straight edge girls bought us many shots. Ben ended up making out with a girl, i ended up double fisting pints. Everytime i would come close to talking with a girl heather and andrea would come by me...
but... at the end of the night, after i kicked the cigerette machine for not giving me my smokes... the bar tender asked me if i have been drinking all the pints myself. I said, "why yes" she said "your disguisting". I said, "Thank you!"
Then... i kept chopping heather and she got really made at me and started punching me in the chest and ben couldn't walk and we had to carry him to the hostile.
school is killing me, i had a 40 minute conversation with some people about what neighborhoods were "good" and what were "bad". Meaning, where the white people lived... amazing... when i say had a conversation, i mean, listened to them talk to me.
oh you crazy MBA's... out of touch and totally went to private christian colleges. I'm glad i'm not you.
Weekend was pretty aight... stayed moderately sober. Friday watched Lethal Weapon II, pretty sweet! Went to a party with members of my program from school... We haven't really seen eachother since we graduated 1.5 years ago... it was cool, some used it as a networking event... whatever. I failed to bring any cards, sorry to dissapoint you. Friend came, it worked out pretty awesome! And... Read More
finished my quarter, did pretty well. Going to Madison this weekend to see a fest of shitty metalcore bands. Was in Iowa last weekend to see some bands, saw more bands and more bands and more bands. Roomates GF's birthday party friday that should be rightious.
Sinister--Hyde Park is awesome! In like a two block radius, you can have great thai, korean, japanese, indian, mexican, or misc. delicious food. There are always great lectures and films on campus. The night life isn't so great (we only have a few bars), but the neighborhood is full of college kids who are generally very intelligent and socially aware, which = muy sexy.
But, although I'm a huge fan of Hyde Park, it would be suffocating to never leave it. I think biweekly trips to Lincoln Park and boystown are necessary for my mental health.
I agree LP is way too fucking white. DePaul is so segregated it makes me want to . Boystown is the same way, except filled w/ white gay boys. It's nice to find areas in chicago that aren't "all white" or "all black" or "all ethnic group x, y or z." -- I haven't been down to hyde park all that much. I'm not sure what all of these comments are about... but I found your journal by lookin' up chicago people in the "hookup" sec and anyway... LP is only nice because it's relatively safe. But it would be nice to see some diversity.