I don't have anything to share as of now..
Too tired..
Well, I lied..Maybe I do have something to share. I think everyone should go sign up for Broken Hearts and Broken Bones. Like right now. Don't worry, it's free. It's an online community that we (the site builder, Saki, and friends) are trying to make grow. The site is still in the works, but it's moving along. Patience is a virtue. Atleast go check it out. It won't kill you. RAID THE FORUMS!!! I'll love you forever and ever.
Broken Hearts and Broken Bones
Too tired..

Well, I lied..Maybe I do have something to share. I think everyone should go sign up for Broken Hearts and Broken Bones. Like right now. Don't worry, it's free. It's an online community that we (the site builder, Saki, and friends) are trying to make grow. The site is still in the works, but it's moving along. Patience is a virtue. Atleast go check it out. It won't kill you. RAID THE FORUMS!!! I'll love you forever and ever.

Broken Hearts and Broken Bones

Have a good weekend, have fun and stay out of trouble, Later.
