extreme pool, the object is the sameas pool, knock in all your balls then the eight ball, but heres the fun parts.
1. you HAVE to hit the balls as hard as you can, no soft shots
2. only 3 secs to aim for each shot
3. whatever ball you hit first, if its yours or not, if it goes in you shoot again
4. if you scratch and dont make a ball in you get to pick were the ball goes for the other player
5. if you scrach but make the first ball you hit in its still your turn and you choose where the cue ball goes
6. you pick the other persons stick they use and after the game starts no chalk
7. the only way to win is knocking in the eight ball cause if it goes in before its your last ball it comes back on the table and if you scratch on the eight ball its just the other persons turn.
me and my buddy mims will make up more rules next time we play but its great cause anyone can play. we also want to but barbedwire around the table so you cant just lean on the table for a shot
1. you HAVE to hit the balls as hard as you can, no soft shots
2. only 3 secs to aim for each shot
3. whatever ball you hit first, if its yours or not, if it goes in you shoot again
4. if you scratch and dont make a ball in you get to pick were the ball goes for the other player
5. if you scrach but make the first ball you hit in its still your turn and you choose where the cue ball goes
6. you pick the other persons stick they use and after the game starts no chalk
7. the only way to win is knocking in the eight ball cause if it goes in before its your last ball it comes back on the table and if you scratch on the eight ball its just the other persons turn.
me and my buddy mims will make up more rules next time we play but its great cause anyone can play. we also want to but barbedwire around the table so you cant just lean on the table for a shot
thanks for the birthday wishes
That's priceless!