I guess I'm posting for the sake of posting. I'm in the midst of trying to find a new apartment that will accept my wee dog, which really sucks ass. I'm happy with where I'm at right now, but my landlord is gutting the buidling and wants us out.
As for your apartment, you could fight this. It's basically a principle us barristers refer to as "constructive eviction." It simply means that although your landlord hasn't literally kicked you to the curb, he has effectively accomplised the same thing by making your apartment unliveable. That said, it boils down to the time value of your money. Although you might come out on top in the end, it's probably best to avoid the aggravation and find another place. Clearly, the landlord wants you out, so use it to your advantage. Make sure he gives you a kick ass reference if another potential landlord comes calling.
Craigslist is definitely the best place to go. That and Westside Rentals. I've got some buddies in Hollywood and I'll keep my ears/eyes open for ya.
Good Luck!
Oh...Bowie and Deneuve? Shit, I have all the respect in the world for Sir David. Even named my cat "Bowie", but if you're talking about 'The Hunger' you've got to go with Deneuve and Sarandon. Their love scene pretty much got me through the 7th grade.
[Edited on Mar 08, 2005 8:26PM]