Moving again.. avoiding packing means I finally catch up on here. Sorry for the slow responses to add requests.
Somewhat accurate. However, I'm not so sure it's that time yet.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Emily Dickinson had a boundless imagination and an intense craving for privacy. She wrote nearly 1800 poems, but kept them to herself, stashing most of them in a trunk belonging to her maid. Only seven of them were published while she was alive. Why did she hide the brilliant and...
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CANCER (June 21-July 22): Emily Dickinson had a boundless imagination and an intense craving for privacy. She wrote nearly 1800 poems, but kept them to herself, stashing most of them in a trunk belonging to her maid. Only seven of them were published while she was alive. Why did she hide the brilliant and...
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You have excellent favorite bands & films...
So, how have you been?
Days like this... I am more lost and yet somehow self-found and still drifting and still aching and cynical and dismissive and yet still wishing. Precipice.
Precipice is a good word for it. Hopefully on the verge of something good and not, you know, the void.
Change is coming soon and really, it can't come soon enough. You're a heroine of mine, angel; brave, beautiful and ever-searching.
Change is coming soon and really, it can't come soon enough. You're a heroine of mine, angel; brave, beautiful and ever-searching.

Not sure if anyone really reads my journal here, because I'm so awful at remembering to post here. I need to set up some sort of rss that will take care of keeping me in touch with my friends in various places. In any case, I have nothing exciting to post, but rather the opposite...
after some software building frustration, I gave up and had...
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after some software building frustration, I gave up and had...
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Happy Birthday!
yes yes they do
i like the head statue above your oil lamp

Remembered to log into SG two days in a row, I blame justsee.
Here's the rub. I love this whole process of filmmaking. I love the collaborative nature of it. I love actors. I love the noble futility of creating something and indulging the presumptuous notion that one is somehow going to change the world for the better with one little film.
That said, I want to do this all the time, and the economics of it are such that making vanity films is unsustainable. Some people can fund their personal filmmaking with other work in the "industry" - like acting work. I suppose I could whore myself out as a writer/director and work on other people's projects. I could also put on my rhetorician's cap and pitch bloated Hollywood horrors like Spielberg pictures that put ignorant butts in comfortable theatre seats, but at that point what am I doing?
I'm not sure what I should aim for with my next project. What do you think?
That said, I want to do this all the time, and the economics of it are such that making vanity films is unsustainable. Some people can fund their personal filmmaking with other work in the "industry" - like acting work. I suppose I could whore myself out as a writer/director and work on other people's projects. I could also put on my rhetorician's cap and pitch bloated Hollywood horrors like Spielberg pictures that put ignorant butts in comfortable theatre seats, but at that point what am I doing?
I'm not sure what I should aim for with my next project. What do you think?
BEAUTIFUL black and white shots - !
I have abandoned my tall drink o' water rule for you!
I have abandoned my tall drink o' water rule for you!

I'm off to masterbate myself to sleep.
that is a beautiful thought.
blowjob breakfasts, huh?
Yes please!
Yes please!

Yikes.. it's been about a month since I remembered to log in here. I've just been suuuper busy with so many things. Still alive though.
hi. saw your name and had to see what a fellow sinnner was up to. your pictures are snfull and sinis[t]er in all the most beautiful ways ("wreckage"-that glare, and especially the "water shoot"-oooh). I enjoyed your other art as well. 1st sketch, although it was the most simple was interesting and hit me with some intense feeling (being trapped? life existing in a void?). anyway, i'll stop babbling now. bye.
hi. saw your name and had to see what a fellow sinnner was up to. your pictures are snfull and sinis[t]er in all the most beautiful ways ("wreckage"-that glare, and especially the "water shoot"-oooh). I enjoyed your other art as well. 1st sketch, although it was the most simple was interesting and hit me with some intense feeling (being trapped? life existing in a void?). anyway, i'll stop babbling now. bye.
The nightmare that was 5 months of hammers, underhanded landlords, last minute lease buyouts, etc, etc... is somewhat over. I'm in a new place now - bigger, quieter, and some added perks. However, I still need a mattress and fridge.. and the small matter of unpacking/rearranging everything.
The nightmare that was 5 months of hammers, underhanded landlords, last minute lease buyouts, etc, etc... is somewhat over. I'm in a new place now - bigger, quieter, and some added perks. However, I still need a mattress and fridge.. and the small matter of unpacking/rearranging everything.
I guess I'm posting for the sake of posting. I'm in the midst of trying to find a new apartment that will accept my wee dog, which really sucks ass. I'm happy with where I'm at right now, but my landlord is gutting the buidling and wants us out.
Ya see, that's the problem with this form of communication. You were being witty and sarcastic with your "assimilation" comment, and I was trying to be even more witty and saracastic in my response by making fun of you for it. Yet, as usual, something gets lost in the translation.
As for your apartment, you could fight this. It's basically a principle us barristers refer to as "constructive eviction." It simply means that although your landlord hasn't literally kicked you to the curb, he has effectively accomplised the same thing by making your apartment unliveable. That said, it boils down to the time value of your money. Although you might come out on top in the end, it's probably best to avoid the aggravation and find another place. Clearly, the landlord wants you out, so use it to your advantage. Make sure he gives you a kick ass reference if another potential landlord comes calling.
Craigslist is definitely the best place to go. That and Westside Rentals. I've got some buddies in Hollywood and I'll keep my ears/eyes open for ya.
Good Luck!
Oh...Bowie and Deneuve? Shit, I have all the respect in the world for Sir David. Even named my cat "Bowie", but if you're talking about 'The Hunger' you've got to go with Deneuve and Sarandon. Their love scene pretty much got me through the 7th grade.
[Edited on Mar 08, 2005 8:26PM]
As for your apartment, you could fight this. It's basically a principle us barristers refer to as "constructive eviction." It simply means that although your landlord hasn't literally kicked you to the curb, he has effectively accomplised the same thing by making your apartment unliveable. That said, it boils down to the time value of your money. Although you might come out on top in the end, it's probably best to avoid the aggravation and find another place. Clearly, the landlord wants you out, so use it to your advantage. Make sure he gives you a kick ass reference if another potential landlord comes calling.
Craigslist is definitely the best place to go. That and Westside Rentals. I've got some buddies in Hollywood and I'll keep my ears/eyes open for ya.
Good Luck!
Oh...Bowie and Deneuve? Shit, I have all the respect in the world for Sir David. Even named my cat "Bowie", but if you're talking about 'The Hunger' you've got to go with Deneuve and Sarandon. Their love scene pretty much got me through the 7th grade.
[Edited on Mar 08, 2005 8:26PM]
Ever sort out your apartment headache?
Random silly
I finally got around to uploading some images. A little bit of my skin, and a little bit of my art (yes, there really is more to me than the surface).
I'm still not in the habit of blogging here, but I haven't gotten around to looking for friends on SG anyhow, so it would be a small readership
I'm still not in the habit of blogging here, but I haven't gotten around to looking for friends on SG anyhow, so it would be a small readership

Yes, I heard via Chad's updates... I can't wait to see what evil beauty was created. Sick medi-fetish horror is soooo right up my alley.
I'd rather support brilliant artists that I know in some capacity, than the classic standards (although I did have to slip a few of my art studies faves in there too).
I'd rather support brilliant artists that I know in some capacity, than the classic standards (although I did have to slip a few of my art studies faves in there too).
New friends are always good (excluding those domiciled in Nebraska). And, as a first gesture of genuine camaraderie, I put up some new photos of the doggies. Check the "Dogz" folder on my page.
Things I created with my inside