Tool was awesome. Maynard is definitely one of the most hypnotic people I've ever seen. There were lazers, fog machines and video screens. All I could stare at was him. haha Pittsburgh was a damn cool town too and we took the scenic route up which was nice. It took roughly 11 hours each way. Except on the way up the boys decided they had...
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Having a three day weekend was good for me. I went out drinking downtown Friday night. Organized our third bedroom, hung out with my girl Whitney that I haven't gotten to see much of lately.. Went to a pool party, got shitfaced drinking pina coladas and sunburned because of my drunkeness (sp?).. My sisters also came down to visit from G-vegas and we acted up...
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from left to right...Cookie, You, and Charlie. am I right? or am I right?
course I do. like this:
cookie you
cookie you
I absolutely adore people who make me laugh so hard I can't breathe. It's seriously the best thing in the universe.

Where have all the decent people gone?
This week I've had a few instances happen to me that made me stop and wonder that. I had a man with a speech impediment thank me for my kindness when all I did was talk to him like I would anyone else. Is it that rare of an occassion that someone treats him normally that he has...
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This week I've had a few instances happen to me that made me stop and wonder that. I had a man with a speech impediment thank me for my kindness when all I did was talk to him like I would anyone else. Is it that rare of an occassion that someone treats him normally that he has...
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You know there are a lot of shitty people out there...I guess I'm not one to talk, but, you are the better person for doing what you did. Sometimes, it does shock people when a genuine act of kindness comes from a complete stranger. And it shouldn't strike you as funny, because, that is who you are and you're the better for it. I don't think I'm that good of a person lately, but, that's my own opinion.
Things at work have been crazy, which is nothing new. I have an insane amount of responsibility for someone my age though which wears on me sometimes. I shouldn't feel so tired all the time. To top it off, I've been getting more migraines and fighting with Josh. I need something fun in my life right now. Something to distract me.
I feel extremely unsettled and I don't like it one bit.

You know you've got me in your corner, sweetheart, and as long as I'm are never alone.
With all my heart, I have nothing but love and respect for you. Take care of yourself, my dear, and I am here when you need me.
With all my heart, I have nothing but love and respect for you. Take care of yourself, my dear, and I am here when you need me.
Ahhh, Friday on Memorial Day weekend.. Let the traffic accidents begin.