So, I dyed my hair darker today. Check it out under my pictures page. It used to be somewhere in between blond and brown. Now it's a sort of dark brown/auburn. Yeah for new hair. Anyway...I hope everyone is having fun.
Am I having fun? Well yeah...(but I always am!) ..even drinking this god awful cuppa soup somehow makes me happy in a strange and starchy kind of way....!

yeah- your hair looks cool! ...but, more importantly what does your lass think of it?

take it easy-
I have no idea what to say. I suppose I could say that my name is Kari. So, who actually looks through people's journals on here? I would be interested to know if anyone actually finds me. I am open to talking to anyone who is looking for someone to talk to.
mostly comic shit like spidey and all those guys, i dig alotta the other mediums, spoken word an ddrawin are my two main means of attackin that wichis the stuff in me head
i don't really have alotta stuff written down. it's more liek an off the cuff kinda thing i get up and tell stories, or talk aobu tmy oppions of things goin on in the world. it's kinda like my blogs thingy, only longer and more spoken as opposed to typin.