We went to the botanical gardens and we smoked bluntz out in the woods. The trees towered over me and I could smell the clouds. The rain fell...on my face and down my neck. I pulled out chocolate chip granola bars from my bag and we sat on the grass and ate them. we blew bubbles. I saw a baby snake in the creek and I teared up...I hate snakes. My friends kinda laughed...I understand. It's a lame fear. But I swear snakes follow me around. I'm at the ATM the other day, all into what this machine is asking of me. Finally I grab my cash and head back to the car. As I turn around I notice the guy behind me has a HUGE snake on his shoulders. I freak out and he smiles a little. "You think this is funny, nigga? You should of just robbed me!" He laughs. I don't. My fear of snakes

these niggas

smurfette with her smurfs


simply wood

these niggas

smurfette with her smurfs


simply wood
1) What part of your body is the design going to be on?
2) How big do you want it to be?
3) What style do you want the design to be (I like realisitic but stylized images, but I am happy to work in a different way)
4) Have you got a picture of a peacock you would like me to use, or should I look for one myself?
5) Do you have any ideas what font you would like the word "Beauty" to be written in, or should I desing that myself? Also, do you know wht case you want the letters written in?
Are you on gmail or AIM? if so, send me the name use by PM and we can talk about your design on there.