there are a lot of ridiculous people out there. you have to watch your back all the time. it's so crazy how some human beings feed of of drama. if it's not happening then they create it. why? who knows.
you're life is going well, you're happy. but wait. no drama? well, we have to fix that now dont we? lets randomly select an innocent person, who has done nothing to affect you or your loved ones and try and make them miserable.
...or at least make them out to look worse than you are. take the attention off of how mentally unstable you are. because we all know that's the truth. =]
i know these games. you feel better about yourself by being a bully to others. you're just afraid. of what? i'm not too sure yet. maybe it's a personal thing? from childhood that you just never quite never quite grew out of or got over? maybe it's medical? or maybe this is purely for entertainment?
just know, i get more satisfaction out of knowing that YOU need ME to make your life complete than you get out of using me as a pawn. you have an addiction. you cant stop this habit by yourself. it's too bad you dont want help. this is where i had to stop typing, so i could giggle to myself. *hehe*
i find you to be very closed minded. you do not have the ability to put yourself in others shoes. ever heard of 'do unto others'? apparently not. it's so simple, a child could understand it. wow. that's not saying too much for YOUR mentality.
basically what i'm trying to say, is i apparently have a stalker / promoter.*teehe*
but i think they're a little jealous of how i HAVE a life.
i didnt get knocked up in my teen years so i dont have children tying me down. or a husband AND/OR boyfriend[s?]. or maybe it's husbands? sorry, at this point, who even knows. it's so confusing! haha!
so. you just read all that. what do you think? want to send an e-mail? i bet you do. =]
for all others. this is just a rambling of thoughts. i like to write ridiculous things down, in hopes they make more sense to me. some times they do, other times. they dont. humans are the silliest creatures ever.
but sorry if i have confused all of you. =]
oh yea, i have a shoot in february. so new pics soon!
you're life is going well, you're happy. but wait. no drama? well, we have to fix that now dont we? lets randomly select an innocent person, who has done nothing to affect you or your loved ones and try and make them miserable.
...or at least make them out to look worse than you are. take the attention off of how mentally unstable you are. because we all know that's the truth. =]
i know these games. you feel better about yourself by being a bully to others. you're just afraid. of what? i'm not too sure yet. maybe it's a personal thing? from childhood that you just never quite never quite grew out of or got over? maybe it's medical? or maybe this is purely for entertainment?
just know, i get more satisfaction out of knowing that YOU need ME to make your life complete than you get out of using me as a pawn. you have an addiction. you cant stop this habit by yourself. it's too bad you dont want help. this is where i had to stop typing, so i could giggle to myself. *hehe*
i find you to be very closed minded. you do not have the ability to put yourself in others shoes. ever heard of 'do unto others'? apparently not. it's so simple, a child could understand it. wow. that's not saying too much for YOUR mentality.
basically what i'm trying to say, is i apparently have a stalker / promoter.*teehe*
but i think they're a little jealous of how i HAVE a life.
i didnt get knocked up in my teen years so i dont have children tying me down. or a husband AND/OR boyfriend[s?]. or maybe it's husbands? sorry, at this point, who even knows. it's so confusing! haha!
so. you just read all that. what do you think? want to send an e-mail? i bet you do. =]
for all others. this is just a rambling of thoughts. i like to write ridiculous things down, in hopes they make more sense to me. some times they do, other times. they dont. humans are the silliest creatures ever.
but sorry if i have confused all of you. =]
oh yea, i have a shoot in february. so new pics soon!

For some odd reason specific ppl try, i mean seriosly try to start drama. Like its thier purpose set out by god. Like just now becouswe all is well they must throw a monkey wrench in the grand workings of my department in a sad attempt at what? Attention?? Free Stuff?? Does it make u feel cool/ Mentally ill? idk.