used my unexpected free day to clean my house finally it feels amazing! i drank too much coffee, smoked to much napped and cooked a yummy healthy dinner of chicken breasts, veggies and quinoa. i was supposed to hang out with the new boy before he leaves for the weekend but he got distracted. ive kinda thrown my hands into the air with the situation. it is what it is. i think that i cant put any effort into dating because when i go i cop feelings and then it always go downhill. so now im in bed catching up on revolution on loud trying to not hear the new neighbor upstairs getting it on. i wish i could move. not only is my living still not back to normal from the flood, i know have a broken shower and the heat is on high and i dont have a thermostat in my apartment. until i win the lottery here i stay 

love these unexpected clean up days... they are so fulfilling to see when you are done... sorry everything else is a struggle